Friday, October 31, 2008

Wild dreams...

Eversince I was a kid...
I never stop having stupid ambitions for my life...

Here are a list of stuffs I can remember.

1. Work in the post office.
Because I like to use rubber stamp to stamp on stamps.

2. Work as bus assistant.
To take care of the school children safety.
Because of the handsome bus driver.

3. Be a teacher.
Because I was grateful to a lot of great teachers.

4. Be a ballerina.
But realise I cannot grow any taller than 1.57m
and had to give up.

5. Be a lawyer.
I am quite a talker since young.
Still a talker now...but not a studious person.

6. Be a pyschologist.
I like to observe human behaviours.
And find out more about them...but realise you need to learn calculus...

7 Be a mathematician.
I love doing interesting maths questions.
I almost thought I am a genius.
Turn out that i am not.

8. Be an Er-hu performer..
Give up...because I found something I like better.

9. Be a painter...
Inspired by my secondary school art teacher.
later, I realise I can't paint that well either.

10. Be a writer.
Still writing..just that not many people is reading.

11. Be a sculptress
Still trying to be...but not easy.

12. Be an script writer.
Hmm...enough to have stories in my head..
And fantasize about it.

13. Be a professional diver.
When I have money..I will take my dive master course!
I love the sea.

14. Be a poet and philosopher...

15. Be a singer.
In my own bathroom. I am. Also in KTV.

16. Be a boss.
Open a studio or art space...or some cafe...when i got money.

17. Be a web designer.
Learning the rope now to earn a living..and quite enjoy it.

18. Be a video artist.
Done that...still want to do more.

19. Be a computer expert.
Haha...i am quite obsess with making myself tech savvy.
So that I can perform my task with ease.

20. Be someone's girlfriend.
Done that too...have a bit of fear to be one again.
But still yearns to be one sometimes.

21. Be a FULL TIME ARTIST WHO MAKES A LIVING doing things I love.
VERY HARD...but not impossible.

22. Be a wife.
Of someone I love who also loves me..
Very hard...probably as hard as being an artist.
And if I only have ONE lifetime to choose only one thing i can achieve...
It might or might not be even HARDER than being an artist.
Unpredictable and clueless.

23. Be a mum.
Level of difficulties depends on unwed or wedded...and/ or if a father is needed.

Ultimately...whatever I want to do...
is all because of wanting to be happy.

And so...
I always only want to be happy...
regardless of what I want to be...
As long as i am happy.

I have 2 external HHD.

2 of them adds up all my back ups of 200GB..with some spare spaces.

One of them is an NTFS...80GB

Slightly anti-social towards my mac...
Only can read...but cannot write.
But no fear!
I brilliantly ( and so I thought)...downloaded Macfuse and NTFS-3g...
To enable my mac to read and ALSO write on this drive...
Wala...I am SMART!

Another is a FAT32 drive...120GB

Which means it can be read and write on both mac and PC..
yet gives me the most problem...
Because it HANGS MY MAC!
DAMN! brother was laughing at me...
because I was telling him how great my mac was...
until it hangs...

and so..what to do...
I rang up Apple Care...
and spoke to a sexy british accented tech for help...
My disk seems to have a failure and needs repair...
which also involve reformating.

I now had to transfer 90GB of stuff to my desktop...
which in the past an unimaginable task
with only 20GB HHD on my NEC...
Now only need 3 hours with my MBP.
Yet now...with my 200GB of HHD now on mac...
It is almost filled up just one month after I bought it...

i can only say...
I probably need to buy 500GB of back up soon.

Can you imagine computers only comes with 30GB of HHD like 5 years ago..
And that is consider ENOUGH.

I will not be surprise that i might need 1TB of HHD soon.
1000GB = 1TB

We better get cosy with to this term now..TB = terabyte = 1000 Gigabyte
Just like having 1GB file was a HUGE thing a few years ago.

1TB is going to be a norm soon.
You mind my words.
I am dead serious.

Apple Cares...

Apple care is the customer service which you might want to buy for extra apple support.
While i already had a few experience with calling them up...during my free trial.
I actually enjoy calling them.
Somehow, they will try to solve my problem.
At the same time try to treat us like really LAYMAN.
Which is GOOD.

So far, I had conversation with an operator with INDIAN english accent...
And the other with rather strong Scottish or british accent...
Which I find amusing...

I wonder who I will speak to the next time.

Oh by the way..
To purchase Apple care...
Which only comes in 3 year service is not cheap...


And so...
I shall call APPLE CARE every on and off to solve all my tech problem before my
90 days trials expire.

To able myself to be geeky enough to solve any problem and learn as much
so that i do not need tech support after 3 months.

I just have to do it!


I was eating my favourite char beehoon for breakfast...
And was so ready to bite into the luncheon meat...
And Ouch!...
I heard those cracking sound...
And the taste of metal...seep deep thru my nerves...
I have bite too hard and onto my fork which was crooked...

My front tooth was chipped.

Which is annoying each time my tongue licks it.
The more annoying...the more you felt like licking....
And it feels so bare until...
I feel like i am milimetres from my nerves...
The chipping of mt tooth has added my tooth sensitivity...

The funny part was...
the chpped off part was no where to be found...
Until I was chewing on my luncheon that i realise it was inside.
I eat up and chew my chipped off tooth together with the luncheon meat.
I knew it when i heard the cracking sound when i chew it...

Until now...
I can feel the razor sharp edge of the chipped corner of my tooth...
And the sensitive to nerve sensation it is causing...
On top of my already very sensitive teeth.

Some kind of experience for the day.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


At all.

Because I am terms of creating 2D image.

I realise that long ago.
I can't draw.
I can copy.
I can imitate.
I can observe and interpret.
But i can't draw or paint out of nothing...

I just cannot.

Luckily I am a 3D artist.
But then again...
What can I do in Singapore studying sculpture?

It is not difficult making art.

It is difficult to practice full time to make a living.
On top of the fact that I am not creative...

Plus..I am not a too ambitious person to be initiative.
Future has never been so bleak...



I need to create opportunity for myself to make art.
I need to create the environment.
I need to create the chance.

I need to make myself make art again.

Or else I will be a useless human being who reads, sleep and eat..and listen to music.

I love doing nothing...
But I also understand that doing nothing now...
will be disastrous for me in the near future...

I had to think ahead...

Life is precious...

And so...I remember...
Even at that moment of my life when I felt so painful...
I really almost believe pain can kill.

But never a moment...
I would want to end my own life.
Maybe I am too afraid to just die.
Maybe there are too much things that i want to do...

It is too easy to just die...
Because the dead is DEAD.
There will be no heaven or hell...
Only people who are still living...
are left to cry...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NeoOffice VS OpenOffice

I have been using NeoOffice since i bought my MBP.
Because Openoffice requires X11 to run on Mac.

But the new release of OpenOffice 3.0 allows it to run natively on Mac.
And Wala...I now have 2 OFFICES on my Mac FREE...
Keeping both as i am still observing which is better.

And so..after some using experience..

i would like to draw some tiny conclusions so far.

I had experience using openoffice when I was on PC...
I remember I had the same problem of having messed up alignments for my resume.
Only a Little.

And I had the same problem for my Openoffice now.

As for my NeoOFFICE...everythings looks clean and aligned.

Although OpenOffice boost more features than NeoOffice...but the fact that it is not totally smooth in translating my documents is one major setback.

I would rather use NeoOffice with enough basic features and comes clean opening MS documents.

And so NeoOffice WINS!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Technology reflects humanity.

The more I wonder into the realm of technology...
The more i feel that technology is not about gadgets and parts...

It is about human activities and abilities.
It is a larger social circle of human activities view from your computer LCD.
It is a giant reflection of what human beings are capable of doing.

For years, Microsoft and Apple's rivalry had pushed technology to strive...
And yet hinders improvements ironically with incompatible platforms...
But humans are humans...
Where there are see a bridge.
We know that there must be a way to be at the other side of the river..
Swim over if you have to...
But people are smart enough to realise that to build a bridge will benefit everybody.

And so...this lesson was observed and learn through eversince I crossed the platform.
I swam over to Macland.
But since...I miss my buddies over at PC.
While the river of incompatibility...runs.
That is where I find ways to cross over to see my friends...
I shouted over to say hello...
I convert my WMA to MP3...
I Throw stones wrap with letters...
I downloaded Openoffice...
I even start to build a boat in the hope that i can roll over whenever I am free...
I download MacFuse WITH NTFS-3G to enable yourself to have read and write access to NTFS format of WINDOWS...from my Mac...

But my greatest wish...
If only we can build a proper bridge...

Sunday, October 26, 2008


陳淑樺 <<夢醒時分>> MV


苏芮(蘇芮) 跟著感覺走 MV


Sleeping disorder...

Yesterday night...I sleep at around 2am..woke up at 8am.
Then...sleep at 9pm...and woke up at 4am...
which is now.

What a crazy world for me now.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Expose and Space

Is the new feature I tried to explore last week with my MBP.
And it is whole lot of fun when you get the hang of it.

Something to take note about Expose and spaces...
Most guidebooks and webpage say "use F8 and F9" to call out the function...
But in actual fact you need to add the FN button to F8 and F9 to achieve the effect as the recent models of MBP used F8 and F9 keys as "play" and "Forward" shortkey for your media players.
I only learn about this after reading through information online that discuss about short keys.
If not most guide websites will not mention this.

Can you imagine how the world will end?

First of all, to discuss about the end of the world does not mean I believe in God.

As RS casually commented that I finally believe in end of the world..implying believe in God. Which I am annoyed by the implication because natural science was not respected and so is FREE the same time human ability to speculate and think is unfairly ignored.

The end of the world is a hypothesis derive from observation of present situation of how human activities are causing damage to Earth...and some other freak accidents... that could be the ultimate cause to the end of the world.

1. Climate upheaval. Freak weathers that kills millions...
Eg. Earthquakes and Tsunamis, volcanoes eruption.

2. Environmental contamination.
Air pollutions, Food contamination, Pesticide poisoning...

3. Religious Killing.
ANY KIND OF RELIGION divides people.
Because when you are A...then someone else who is not will be NON-A.
This will cause discrimination, division and suppression.
People who are A will think they are the only truth...and forces Non-A to comply.

4. Viral attack.
Human flu, avian flu, ebola...biological warfare....

5. Used up resources.
Not enough fuel, food.

6. Cosmic accident.
Some stones from galaxy hit earth.

7. NANO-tech achieve perfect nano-asemmblers and disassemmbler...
And could reduce earth to GRAY GOO 72 hours.

I can't predict when it will occur...
But I have a mix feeling about whether if i want to see it happen in my life time...
Not as if i can decide...
Just something for a thought.

By the way...

Did you see the promotion for the old Mac book pro!
It is $170 cheaper now...

But what to do...
technology is just going to be cheaper and faster by days..
And we just have to buy one when we need one.

And so I can't wait...

Wait till 4 or 5 years later when i get my hands on a more powerful and cheaper baby...

In 4 years time...
Will be the time when Moore's theory speculated that
computer tech will reach it's limit at atomic level...
By then....
I wonder what interesting thing will happen to info technology.
Till then...

Will be the time for my next computer.
I look forward...

Let the world past me by...

Finally, my big brother has grown up
to become a person who knows how to apreciate simplicity in life...
As so...he might argue...he was like that in the past as well...
But he was much more ambitious like a headless fly in the past.
Now, he learns to enjoy simple life.

And me, I will always morn over my wasted 3 years in Singapore since 2005.
I have wasted my youth here thinking I will find a way here.
As time goes by,
It seems...either i find a job and be like all other singaporean...
Or leave.

I love singapore.
Unlike how my brother hates her...
I love motherland.

But Singapore has fail to give me the environment I needed.
I will leave when I can.
As soon as I can...

Meanwhile, I will morn over my wasted days, months and years here...
I should have been more ambitious...
But I know myself...I never will be.

For that is me.
Maybe simple life is really what i need...
But freedom does comes with a price tag...
Like what my brother say...

And life...
You gain lost some...
While i morn over the lost of my 3 years in singapore...
I can only say...
I have enough rest here for the past 3 years as well.
And enough means enough.

Time to move on.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Discontentment of a contender...

I always pride myself to be an easily contended person.
But on some occassion, I am not.

And here is a recent wish list I compiled for my discontentment.

2. If not above, at least FINAL CUT STUDIO 2.
3. FULL 24 hours a day internet access.
4. A fully equip house with art studio and nice working kitchen.
5. A well paid part time job that allows time flexibility..UNTIL my art can support me.

1,2 and 3 is not too big a problem...but a notable amount of money is required...
4 and an even larger figure which is a matter of decade to fulfill...

If I give up and decides not to be an artist...

1,2,3 and 5 will be solved...
Left with 4...
And with a new discontentment.

By hook or by crook.
I need to do something.

Aloe Vera...

To me, this is a super plant that everybody should have one in their garden.

It is yummy and edible ( the common species),
Easy to Grow ( Dun require too much watering like the cactus),
Antiseptic ( which can apply to minor open wounds)
Soothing( if you have sunburns)
Beautifying ( Apply to your face like a mask, helps tighten pores and kills acne)

Ahh...and I had one now.


Bakwa is the culprit.

The GIANT ACNE on my face is not only painful...
but also strategically poise in the middle of my cheek...
So much so that it is almost impossible not to notice.

I have like 4 or 5 acnes..
annoyingly gathering around my forehead as well.
And Painfully.

After some serious reflection over my diet and living habits...
I have concluded that BAKWA could be the culprit.
Because the last time I had such outbreak...
I somehow also remembering eating them as well.

Of course my crazy sleeping disorder most probably could be
one of the contributor to my plight.

As for now...
I just hope...
Sunshine after rain...
Smooth face after Acne.

What to do.



It seems like you are being locked up and not even allow to open the windows.
It seems like you are banned from calling your friends.
It seems like you can't make calls to them.
It seems like you will not know what is happening to the world outside.
It seems like the world past you by without you participating.
It seems like you will be forgotten anytime.
It seems like you are not allow to speak, express and comment.

It is just unbearable ...
So unbearable not to have access.

The lovely internet.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The comparison.

Here is a pic I found online to compare the new MBP and old...

Monday, October 20, 2008

If You are free this weekend...

If you happen to pass by Cityhall area...
You may like to drop by The Esplanade to check out my new works...

Special apology to LQ.

Opps Sorry...
I can't help but blog about my Mac.
Please bear with me until my Mac Hype is over..

Meanwhile...I will try to talk about other things
whenever I can.

Aimless Life...

I need a job soon.
Not that I do not enjoy my current carefree life...
But I do not like the idea of my depleting bank figures...
So low that it has hit an all time low...
And I actually have expenses to come in December
when my parents come back to SG in December for holidays.

I can starve and eat less...
And scrimp on myself...
But not my parents.
I have the responsibility...

Being so broke that i am not even willing to travel unneccessarily.
Or eat out.

I need a job soon.
Anyone has lobang?
PArt time jobs?

Mac Book Pro Overheating and wrong battery life indication-MYSTERY SOLVED!

Suddenly, I notice a dip in my MBP's battery life.
From fully charged of 5 hours to fully charged of 2.3 hours.
Which is SCARY!
And the all time noticeable overheating of my Mac recently.

I became a bit paranoid and read up over these issues.
Apparently, my MBP heat up for no reasons while others is because
they are using it intensively...

I install iSTAT which is a very cool feature
for my dashboard to check my MBP's overall health.
To my astonishment...
My MBP is hovering at 78 degree celsius
when i was only reading some article online...

I am pissed.
This MBP is only 1 month old.

I couldn't undertand why my MBP can heat up to 78 degree Celsius..
when it is not doing anything except for opening
ONE FIREFOX WINDOW to read articles for apple support.
My MBP reach 78 degrees in less than 10 minutes after switching ON.
And...the strange thing is...
system IDLE at 50%

I am not doing much...not even listen to itune..
But is already using 50% of the system???

I am determine to find out why.

After reading all the articles regarding battery defects and overheating..
I am convinced my MBP is not perfect.
I have decided to call APPLE first thing at 9am.

But but...before that...since i couldn't sleep in the middle of 5am.
I begin to play around with my iSTAT.....
The application that shows temperature and performance of my MBP.
I make some new configuration to display processes of application...

HMM....something strange showed up.
My canon ip5200 showed up...and running at 98%???
Huh? since when is my printer printing?
It wasn't even plug in.
I open my printer in finder and found that I had a print error on RUNNING mode
on my MBP since a article which i din print becos of a print error.
It was left opened.

which explains why my MBP runs 50% even when IDLE
and heats up to 78 degree C in less than 10 minutes...

I cancel the print job and close my printer application...
in less than a minute...
My MBP's temperature drops...
It used to hover round 77...and stays there
It is 72 after a few minutes...
And finally rest to a comfortable 54 degree celsius...

And another miracle happens.
My battery life...showing 2.44 hours when fully charged...
mentioned earlier on...
JUMPED! to 5.3 hours like it used to.

2 problems solved!

Though I am still a bit puzzled that the printing error
was not cancelled after shutting down...
I am glad there is nothing wrong with my baby.

Mystery is SOLVED.
Weird battery Indication and heating issues are due to
Unattended printing error that is left opened.

False alarm.
But learn something YET AGAIN!

Old vs New MBP

The introduction of the new mac book pro did waver my love
for my newly bought but listed "OLD" mac book pro.
Because, if for the same amount of money can buy a better laptop...
WHY would I have bought a "OLD" version just 3 weeks ago.

All the statistics and report of the new mac book pro...
Shows that I made a right choice.

First of all,
I do NOT like the new GLOSSY screen.
It is actually a glass screen.

Though I really like the unibody features...
But it did not make the new mac book pro any lighter...
in fact heavier though insignificantly..
as for size...

The New MBP is actually larger in base size,
and only 0.05 inch thinner...
0.05 inch is like.. won't notice the diff unless you measure it.

Of course the new MBP has lot of upgrade in many ways...
And I love the new GREEN notebook concept..
PVC and Mercury Free...

However, for the same price...
I can only afford what i have now..
for the spec I need.

I can't ask for more.
I can only love what i have now.
And I do.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The NEW 15 inch Mac Book Pro is OUT!

In less than a month after I bought my MBP,
As expected sleek and pretty.
From $3188 for the lowest spec of the 15 inch MBP.
Oh well, if this new MBP is not coming out..
I would not have got this old model for lower price plus a free iPOD touch.
I have to be contented or else for the same spec...
I need to pay $700 plus more...

But but...look at this pretty baby...
And all the new features....
I have to say...
i feel the slight "ouch" somewhere deep down my heart.
Could i have waited 3 more weeks for this new baby and spend $700 more?
Or actually if this is out early and beyond my budget,
I might have bought a window VISTA laptop instead.

Oh well,
There will always be something new for technology...
Someone has to buy the old ones regardless.
My next laptop will be 4 to 5 years later...
probably something newer by then.
I shall look forward!

My current MBP is still not bad!

One Question.

Will an old lady who believes in BUDDHA, prays to buddha and is a vegetarian...
who is kind her whole life and serve her husband faithfully,
brought up his son to be a fine young man...
not done anything bad her whole life...
and work hard to serve the community

If YES, why should anyone believe in christianity?
As there is no need for religion to promise HEAVEN.
You will be granted when you deserve to.

If NOT, WHY WOULD ANYONE believe in christianity?


Please do not read this if you are someone who believes in GOD,
in case you might be offended.

Basically, an atheist does nothing until a theist proves his point solid.
As such, I am not an atheist, as some of my christian friend called me...
Because they haven't manage to prove their points SOLID enough for me to ANTI.

And also, as much as my christian friends wants me to go to heaven with them,
I, from the bottom of my heart also wish that they can see the real world as what it is.
It is only fair to acknowledge nature's effort to shape EARTH as what it is now after millions of years of evolution...and not someone who created it from nowhere.
I wish I can enlighten them as much as they wish to convert me.

To quote some interesting truth that I read somewhere,

"it takes more faith to believe in a self created universe then it does to believe in a created universe by a creator."

It is just too easy to say some divine power created the world....
as you don't have to prove it.
You just have to accept it.

But with our knowledge of MOTHER NATURE today...
IT WAS NEVER EASY and we are still seeking.

Think about it.

And thank nature.


After reading "Against All Gods"...
I realise, humanism is quite a delicious term for me to digest.
With difference to naturalism...
which embraces natural and science,
Humanism embraces the power of humanity.

And so...
trying give myself a position as an indication of my stand point,

I am a ROMANTICALLY Humanistic Naturalist.

Long Name.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another book review...

Against all Gods.
Is a small thin book which you probably
can finish in one afternoon or less.
Lightweight and concise.
Easy to digest.

And after reading...
I would call myself a naturalist instead of an atheist from now on.
Someone who is define as what she believe in and not what she don't.
Naturalist believes in the power of nature and science.
And for my case...
Who believes in the power of nature and science...
and embraces LOVE AND ART.


Recommended read of the week.
Receives several lost-count nods while i was reading it...
To the point of having the urge
to give a round of applause at some point while reading.
Found some reviews and counter-debates online from religious blog...
And was amuse to find that their counter points are POINTLESS.
Most good reviews are objective and clear.
Bad reviews are subjective and in denial.
Although this is NOT the best book I have ever read...
But definitely a very interesting one.
Bottom Line...

Today...I am productive AGAIN.

1. 10am I reach the printing shop to do my artwork.

2. 11am sent stuff off to print.

3. 12pm meet teachers at NAFA or lunch...

4. Ivan on the way to collect my prints and had tea.

5. 4pm To Keppel bay Tower to collect my G9.

6. To Page One to read a Book Call "God is NOT Great"...GREAT BOOK.

7. 6pm meet Wendy for Dinner.

8. 7pm Buy My hellolulu laptop bag!

9. 9pm reach home and blog!

10. 9.30pm GO BATHE!

11. 10pm ..Zzzzz


I finally bought a nice HeLLoLuLu laptop bag for my Mac babe.

check out the website!
It's the laptop nylon tote, watermelon colour.


I swam!

I finally went swimming!
And so I see the day for me to cut my hair coming soon.

However, just a note on my sudden schedule to go swimming.

I ended up with painful sunburn on my shoulders...
becos i swim between 11.30 to 1pm..
which is the worst time of the day to swim...

And also...because i haven't been swimming and did not warm up properly...
I end up straining my right knee-cap...

OUCH! (my shoulders and knee-cap)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Let's go swimming!

Today, weather is good.
And I no longer have any excuse not to go swimming.
And so...


I am free...


I am so free...but I wasn't productive at all.
I have my reasons..
Art making is NOT CHEAP.

I do have a coming exhibition...
I am paid $N dollars as artist fee...
But the production fee might cost $N+$100...
Is it even worth I know...this kind of work...
Is not sellable in the first place...
And will be taken down and throw into a bin after the show.
Why should I even propose and consider such kind of work.
I must be crazy.

And so...I have decided to use a cheaper option...
To settle for second best.
I will still love my work..
But it will be another piece of work without this set up.

As least I am showing something.
But not the thing I really wish to show though.

When it comes to pay rent and feed yourself...
Namely...artist AS POOR AS ME.

New parity error for Rubik's revenge.

Today, I encounter a new parity error known as "adjacent corner switch"
and the solution is below...

r ² U ² r ² U ² u ² r ² u ²

And the cube will be scramble at the top and
you will just have to solve as per normal now to solve.

And so this mark my second attempt of the 4x4.
With yet another new knowledge of how to solve it.
But lazy to memorize it.

Hence remain...

Weird sleeping patterns..

My life is becoming crazy especially my sleeping patterns...

Instead of sleeping for 10hrs and keep awake for 14hrs per day

I can slept for almost 20hrs...and stay awake for 28hrs per 2 days...
for some days...

On and off...

Some days...I sleep at 9am...and wake up at 7pm...
Some days...I sleep at 2 am and wake up at 12pm...
Some days...I sleep at 3pm and woke up at 10pm...

It has been like that lately.

World is getting crazy for me...
Or I am getting crazy for this world...

I think I will grow old very fast like that.

I need to do something.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My life as a poor artist...

I was out for a meeting yesterday.
And after that...went shopping.
I bought...

1. Cleansing facial gel for $19.95
2. Toner for sensitive skin $17.95
3. Facial scrub $15.95
4. BRTC wrinkle and whitening BB CREAM! $49
(YES!YES!YES!it is OUT and available in WATSON!) about $103

Then I went back to the old restaurant I worked for..
And chef cook me some nice soup.
Later I went out with my old colleagues for tea...
and only spend $1 on a bowl of green bean soup.

Feeling guilty that I am quite jobless and not having income this month...
and also for next month...

I decided to refund the $49 BRTC-BB cream,
Vanity is at the rock bottom of my list now.

And so...i refund the BB cream.

Halfway on my way home...
I saw Guardian pharmacy having promotion
on the same facial product that I bought
and is $7 CHEAPER in total.

And so I tried to refund again..
this time my facial gel and toner...
but I was only allow to exchange other goods and not money...
Because I was at another branch...
So I grab some daily necessity..
to cover $38 of refund goods...
At Watson...I was thankful they allow my refund..
But I end up buying 3 months supple of sanitary pad,
shampoo, dental floss...etc...
With a surprise discount on sanitary pad..

And rush back to buy the discounted facial gel and toner at Guardian which is $7 cheaper.

My life...I just have to live this way...
As long as i want to be an artist.

Yet another dream...

I forgot what the dream is all about...
I only remember that I cried and cried in the dream.
Or did I?

That's all.

Another dream...

I think I really did not sleep well lately..
because I had been having quite a few vivid dreams...

This one was about someone whom I used to carry a torch on.
It was quite a sweet dream though...
I dream that he walked me home.

But in real life...he is getting married soon.
Oh well, dream is dream.

Better than nothing.


A few day ago...
I dreamt that I cut my hair...
(Not again!)
Yah...not again...and the scary part was..
I dream that I not only cut my hair..
But start to have falling hair..
And I became bald.


Grandfather of Soul...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Great Song of the Day! Enjoy!

Strange affinity...

I can't help but to find out about what is going to this man whom
I am fated to meet...
but not fated to be together...theoretically...

No one knows whether we are fated to be together or not
UNLESS YOU believe in God and then God will know.
Or Buddha..Then buddha will know...etc.

If not...HE and I will know, if we try.

However, we are not given the chance.

If so, then neither GOD nor Buddha decides...
but people who thinks we cannot be together.

Of course, this is not a proposal that we should meet and start dating.

This is a post to question why I am not given the same rights to try.

What I am trying to say is...

It is not believing in what that brings two person together...


I swear I am neither in love with this man
nor has any special feelings for him now...
I am just annoyed by the fact that I am not treated equally...

With this...I end my speech.

Friday, October 10, 2008

What I have done today.

1. Stay up from last night till this morning at 10am.

2. Get ready and let home at 10.30am.

3. Go to library at Sembawang to return books.

4. Take train to SAM, get cheque from Mr Y at 11.45am.

5. Go to NAFA, meet Mr L for lunch at 12.30.

6. Take bus to Newtown for staff meeting at 2pm.

7. Take train to Harbour Front,Keppel Bay tower,
Canon service centre to service my Camera 3.30pm.

8. Shop at Page One at Vivo.

9. Take train to Bugis and shop more at 5pm.

10. Meet Yahui for dinner at 7pm.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

This one is my brother's favourite!

Boys will remember this...

"Something the neighbourhood...."

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers opening

Gummi Bears!

"can u write something else for ur blog???"

I finally got a complain from my avid fan.

"everytime MAc Mac mac.....which I dun understand at all..."

Ok ok...APOLOGY.
I will write something else...SOMETIMES...






Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I am sad.

Friendship does not end...
But it will drifted away slowly if you take it for granted...

That is why i am sad.

MAc...your snoring lover...

One thing I cannot rectify about my MAC so far is the NOISE it makes.
Not that it is noisy when it is working...
As it is unusually quiet compare to my 5 years old NEC when it is working...
It is only noisy on one occasion.

When you insert a CD into the drive.


Just when I thought it might be faulty...
I google for advice and found these sample sounds when MAC is loading CD.

And conclude that my MAC BOOK PRO is completely normal.

Which means...there is nothing I can do about it.


As if you just have to live with your snoring lover when he sleeps...

iPOD Touch Scratch TEST...

Caution: Not for the weak hearts...


Honestly, I was not a fan of MAC in the past.
And I did not buy MAC because it was pretty.
I am a WINDOW person for 5 years...
I only had brief experience with MAC 3 years ago
in the ART school that I am studying in...
And had all sorts of crash while I am editing videos then.
I knew MAC was not perfect.
The main reason for choosing a Mac was because
I want to work with professional design applications.

I fell in love with MAC only after I use it.
Despite the many shortcoming I came across on and off.
Somehow...this kind of affection is unexplainable.

Which is why I can understand why there is actually a CULT for MAC.

I can't help it.
I just LOVE IT.


As I was searching high and low for my iSIGHT inside my MAC...
I came across this interesting feature in my MAC.
Yet another interesting feature.


This is an application for you to grab a screen shoot from your MAC and save it.
Like the screen shot shown can be a selection or the whole screen or window.
By the way...a tiny hiccup to take the image as jpg before uploading.
Blogger cannot read TIFF.
So go GRAB! now.


Everyday...I discover something new about my MAC.

Today...I was wondering how i can use the built in camera of my MAC.
So I did some test.

By the way...the built in camera is call iSIGHT.

And may use iSIGHT in various occassion.

A program in your MAC to take pictures...


2. iMOVIE to take video...


3. iCHAT As your internet chat session.

4. To take a snapshot for your user profile when your log in your MAC.
At system preference --->Account---->Edit your display pic with snapshot.

And so yet another discovery that take up one day of my life.

MAc is NOT perfect.

I knew it all along.
But somehow as a convert, you will find ways to justify it...
To justify your convert.

And so...I was slightly PISSED by yet something about my MAC.

iDVD only allows you to set your DVD region setting to be changed 5 times...
And after the 5th will be LOCKED.

Which means...if you travel everywhere and owns DVD of various region...
You will have problem viewing all your DVDs.
MAC with international reputation of being the machine for creative production...
actually has this kind of limitation.
TO LIMIT the viewing of DVD within region...
MEANS to limit creative inspiration.
AND most importantly...
iDVD will be rendered USELESS in my MAC from now on.

According to backdated discussion regarding this issue,
It seems that there is no way round to this problem.
However, THERE IS.

Honestly, Open source are saviours!

If you are a MAC user..
Download VLC NOW!

In order to bypass the region setting,
Remember to go to your system preference...
And change your default DVD player to VLC.

And you are done.

And so...for the time being...
my MAc is perfect again....
Until I find something else to complain about...

Monday, October 06, 2008

The 4x4 Rubik's Revenge!

I almost did it...
but gave up and cheat because of a parity error of an edge flip.
I am just plain lazy to memorize that VERY LONG algorithm...

r ² B ² U ² l U ² r ' U ² r U ² F ² r F ² l ' B ² r ²

25 moves leh!
I need the mood lah...

Perhaps tomolo.

I have manage to speed up my 3x3 cube recently
with some new algorithms i learn online...
and keep a record of an average of around 3 minutes.

I will post a video SOON!

Some tech gadget updates and gossip....

For someone who had technophobia in the past...
I think i strangely overcome my fear with great enthusiasm...
Just like having the phobia to swim when i was young...
I fell in love with diving...

Anyway...yes...some gadget updates.


Rumours says that the new MAC BOOK PRO is coming out..
And lots of MOCK-UP MBP photos(eg, shown above) done by anticipating MAC fans
are already circulating on the web eversince...

Some says that it will adhere closely to their Mac Book AIR concept...
While some call the new MacBook...Macbook NANO.
Of course...without doubt...MORE EXPENSIVE....
Some speculated that it will be a MAC BOOK Pro and iphone hybrid... with glossy look and slimmer body...and bah blah..
Whichever...I probably will not be able to afford it... And probably will be PISSED if my MAC BOOK PRO's price drop. Though I am aware of this rumour long ago...but I can't wait to buy a new laptop.
I probably will sit and wait until my MAc book pro retires in probably 3 to 4 years time...
My NEC only bearly scraped through its 5 years mark with obvious hiccups in its last.
I wish my MAC can work really hard for me until I finish my Master...


The new CaNON G10 is OUT last month.
With higher resolution of 14megapixel this time...
Better Wide angle lens...28mm...
Higher shutter speed of 1/4000 to G9's 1/2500 sec...
Higher LCD Pixel...
Better hand Grip..
Blah blah... reduces it's optical zoom power from G9's 6 G10's 5 times...
Which is a great disappointment...
Having only 6 times optical zoom was ALREADY my greatest woes...
And despite this shortcoming...Canon DOWNGRADED G10's optical zoom to 5 times.
The Lumix Fz-18 has 18 times optical zoom and cost cheaper.
Having high megapixel is useless since everyone is just going to print 4R...or simply put it online.
Who needs 14megapixel to post online...
It is just going to slow down uploading speed.
Furthermore.....they also reduce the option for better movie file quality.

Tsk Tsk...Canon don' know what they are losing.
Despite the fact that it is a successor of G9...
G10 will NOT BE on my wanted list.
Though I had to admit I am tempted by the wide angle and shutter speed...


G9 is still THE BEST!

ADOBE Creative Suite 4 (CS4)

Yes yes yes!
It is OUT.
While I am still struggling to get a CS3.
And yes..the price of CS4 or MORE EXPENSIVE than my MBP...
I wonder whether it will make it more expensive or cheaper..
Hard to say...
As long as i can do my video and make my website...
By the way...
Where are my pirate friends!?
Where is my CS3??

I want my CS3 MAster collection NOW!
If you have Cs4...even better.
My life as an artist is dependent on YOU, you and You out there.

Many thanks in advance.

Oh well...that's all folks.

I think I am almost there towards my dream artist life...
Still need a STUDIO and pay rent, buy materials and support my parents!

Hang on there while i make art!


Sunday, October 05, 2008


This is my work in tokyo called...Gaijin's eye...or Foreigner's eye.
It is a semi audience participation piece...where I create a surreal japanese town...with the bits and pieces of photos of building, things on the streets and people I took everywhere in Tokyo. Audience will add on characters and items from my photo collection to the street I created.

Random posting...

Sorry for the NO TIME FRAME way of blogging.
Sometimes...I just suddenly have to mood to show things that are backdated.

Please bear with me.

Choose the flavour to die.

On the Narita 3

On the Narita 2

On the Narita 1

There is this saying shouldn't take picture of a person when he is sleeping...not only because it is rude...but you will stop his soul from going back to his body when took his picture when he is sleeping..blah blah.....but I can't help it....

More strange clouds...

Strange clouds...

Who would you choose?

A) Rich and ugly and uncharismatic guy?


B) Poor and handsome,charismatic guy?

Isn't the answer obvious?

Or maybe not...what if the ugly and uncharismatic guy is a faithful and caring person,
Who is a highflyer and very capable man?


Or maybe the handsome and charismatic guy is simply unreliable?

Ahh....why didn't I think of that....

So who would you choose?

There is no ugly woman...

As the saying goes...
There is no ugly woman...
For tonight...., only dunno how to make up woman....blah blah
And yes...that is my technical handicap.

I have tried...but after applying colours on my face like adding paints to canvas...
I realise why I still prefer to paint than make up.
After a few layers of eye shadows...with my expertise in colour mixing theory...
i know...all colours will give MUD colours.
And I look like a panda.
I remove my make up a couple of time before reapplying...
Somehow...priming my canvas..
and covering old paintings to put new colours is more enjoyable.
Than filling my face with colours...
After my first attempted make up experience at the wedding dinner
which makes my wonder if it makes a difference if i make up or not...
And not to mention...the cleaning part...
My face never seem to be clean enough after the make up..
And I dun like this feeling...

i realise....I still prefer myself WITHOUT make word...

And now...I admire those who put on make up everyday...

And so...there is no ugly woman,
but woman who choose to be lazy...LIKE ME.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Result and conclusion.

I will always try to analyse myself from data figures I produce.
Such as..does the rate of blogging reflects my mood?
Or rate of blogging AFFECT my Mood....
The more accessible I am to blog...the more happy?
or the more blog I have means I am happy at that time...?

Blah blah....

And so far...from the below figures...2005 is my happiest days...
which is correct.
2006 is my worst life...
which is correct too.
That is becos...I was in love in 2005...and had more internet access.
2006 is the time of my life when I am down with serious mood to blog.
2007 is while i am recovering from depression with limited internet access...
and This my happy and carefree year...and this week...
I had the time of my life to have full internet access!
Which explain my explosive entry figures.....
This year...I suspect I might break my yearly blog figure...but...
It only means I have more internet access, better mood and better computer to blog.
Unfortunately NOT becos I am in love.

And means...I am a happier person when I am expressing.
Which explain why I want to be an artist.
I have to be order to be happy.

At the corner of his eye...

He was playing his toy car as the plane took off...
While I am amused by how self entertained he was...
So i secretly aim my camera at him...
And he caught me....

At the corner of his eye...

To many things too little time...

Too many things I want to do ever since my new laptop arrived.

My timezone is completely messed up i sleep when the sun rises...
and wake up when it sets.

I am so geared up to work in the night and enjoy the absolute peace of mind in the middle of the night.

I would work and work or even to watch videos...until i am so tired...and go to sleep.
Then I will sleep and sleep until I had enough.

It may seem that i am really slacking away my life...BUT NO.
I am BUSY living my life.
And adjusting to a work mode which i can practice my art.
And I hate it when people think i am FREE just becos I am not doing my part time.
Nobody register the fact that when i am NOT working for my paid part time...

After living my life as a normal person and slacking...
I will also give time to my art.
Out of the 16 hours when I am awake...At least 8 hours is given to my art practice.
Trying to get used to my work station on my MAC...
And also improving myself with new skills online.
Reading to widen my knowledge and also search for new inspiration.

And so...even though I may not appear to be efficient.
I am trying very hard to.
If you can see.

Why am I sitting here blogging...because this is the cheapest way to express NOW.
That is the least thing I can do now to keep my art going.

If you haven't realise that.

But I am realy lucky already.
Because I can still afford to CHOOSE.
There will be a time when I will NO LONGER HAVE A CHOICE..
Until then...I shall enjoy my life NOW.

Wish me luck.

Fushimi Inari Shrine...

Bottle #17

Bottle #16

Bottle #15

Bottle #14

Bottle #13

Bottle #12

Bottle #11

Bottle #10

Bottle #9

Bottle #8

Bottle #7

Bottle #6

Bottle #5

Bottle #4

Bottle #3

Bottle #2

My bottle collection #1

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Frame Per Second


This the the term to describe the rates of the number of pictures a camera can take per second.
The higher end your camera is...the higher the FPS.

It is also call the DRIVE MODE or continous mode..according to how I understand from reading.
I may not be totally accurate...but more or less this is how I understand.

And that is one of the shortcoming I realise my G9 is having.

Meanwhile....G10 is OUT!

Anyone wants my G9?

Those were the days...

Baby carrot...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Hit Counter

By the way...if you are a regular who visits my blog would have notice something new by the right.

In fact 2 things...

One..the MAC list of my entries...


The hit counter is really there to show me if anyone visit my blog...
But myself alone....contributes to 50% of the count figure.
How sad.
Hopefully...tomolo...You,YOU,you,YoU and yOU will see my blog.

Good night.


Eversince I bought my MAC...
I felt reincarnated.

Things that i have been procrastinating to do...
Are done gradually...
Because I no longer have excuse not to do it.

I delayed setting up my website because my old laptop is aging...
Delay Publishing my book becos of the same reason...
NOT Do my solo...because the above is not done...and of course no proper working space...
and also no video editing software...
Did not go swimming because so much other things can' t be done and dun have the mood.
Can't do yoga for the same above reason...
And CAn't cut my hair becos I dun have video editing software to edit the video of myself cutting my hair...

And so...after buying myself such a BIG present to block my own excuses...
I no longer have reasons for not working.
Except for limited physical working space for sculpting....
I AM NOW WELL SPACED AND READY to do my work virtually.

Of course...I stil need a tiny bit complete the virtual work space...
That is...the ADOBE CS master collection and hopefully...FINAL CUT PRO

I will set up my website...
Publish my book...
Do my solo...
Go swimming...
Do yoga...

and last but not least...


Can't wait.

Obsessed with tagging....

Because I always appear to be messy...
People are convinced that I am.
But deep down in my heart...
I am an obsessive...

If I ever sit down to organise things...
I am afraid that I might over categorise, tagg and classify my stuff.
I am actually quite a perfectionist also.
And if I started something I will want to finish it with grace.
And precisely because of this...I do not dare to start too much things.
I am will become endless.

Like my new obsession to organise my music files....2000 over of mp3...
I almost have to go thru every single music file to make sure they are tagged and titled, rated, with artist name and album detail as I can... clear up a whole chunk of duplicate accumulated for years and put them in the right files...

Next thing...will be my photo files....20,000 will be crazy.

But I look forward.

Mac Tricks-How to hide HD from desktop.

Have you ever felt irritated by the HD icon on the desktop...that destroy the cleanliness of the desktop...if you u happen to have an empty one like mine.

Well...I thought it would be simple to just trash remove it

After some is actually not difficult either.

Go to ----> FINDER-----> PREFERENCE ------> uncheck the "Show The...HD".

And you are done.

It is not difficult.
You just have to find out how.
That's all.

Love Marriage!

By the way, this is the poster for the korean drama...
Did you notice her hair...
Natural curl!

Same as ME ME ME!


Love Marriage!

This is the man of my latest Korean drama fever...

Kim Ji Hoon

And I was trying to describe him to Wendy as someone who is a cross between...
Jang Dong Gun, Lee Dong Gun, Song Seung Heon and Kwon Sang Woo.
I was being accused of showing off my knowledge of korean drama man's name and anyhow bring out names describe this male lead...
But seriously...think about it...

Jang Dong Gun's facial shape...and chin...
Lee Dong Gun's Hair..
Song Seung Heon's eyebrows and lips
And Kwon Sang Woo's eye!


Okok....I got to go back watching my drama...BYEEEE!

Interesting architecture...

Somewhere in the middle of Tokyo...
You will find this simple yet interesting architecture...
which would be lovely..if it is my art studio.
Dream on...

This is ME?!

This could be me if I am born 50 years ago...or maybe me 50 years later...
That spec really suits me...dun you think?

Go try it!


It took me the whole day to try to sort out my itune.
Of course...there are things I am quite uphappy about my itune.

There are defaults that I do not like.

itune FORCED me to file my music according to artist.

Maybe I do have the rights to change that default...
But Since I have already got used to the system...I guess that should be alright.
Just that most of my music comes in album...mostly soundtracks..
Filing by artist is just silly.

I shall try to see if I can have alternative.

SWITCH! + Flip4mac

SWITCH is the program that will help you convert your WMA to MP3... also have to download another pluggin to ensure it works ..
and that will be flip4mac...which is a program directly from microsoft...
which will prompt you to upgrade and PAY.

It works though, with this 2 programs I manage to convert my wma file to mp3.
However, switch hanged while i install flip4mac...
And usually my MAC will hang whenever anything MS is working.
So after i convert my file...
I decided to remove SWitch and flip4mac COMPLETEly.

By the way...if switch is independent of flip4mac...
I would have keep it...becos the icon is a switch button..
which is kind of cute :)

That all for today's Mac troubleshoot.