Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some memories.

Talking to RS lately remind me of my past.
So many...too many.
There were times that I was happy.
There were times...I was sad.

I claimed that I have get over him long ago.
But the scar will always be there.
It is not painful anymore.
But it reminded me of how painful it was.

While giving advice to relationship matters now...
I can only say...
Leave it as it is...at it's best.
And not overdoing it to regret later in life.


Let nature takes it course.

To everybody.

Oh...another abstract expressionist drawing.

Life, as it is.

Life, as it is.
40 inch x 50 inch

Yet another of my recent work.

Life, a simple one.

"Life, a simple one."
20 cm x 20 cm

Yes. I have pick up painting again.
It has been a while since I painted something properly.
This is my recent work.

Just a leaf...with water droplets.

Miss Sha is ME!

We were drawing turtle for that day...and the students drew me.
And the tiny square object the turtle me was holding was a camera.
Because I always carry a camera during lesson to take photos.
And yah...my students always spell my name wrongly...

Good afternoon!

By the way, they spelled my name wrongly.

Haig Girls! painting roses...

Hello! Mr Grasshopper!

Spotted at Haig Girls while waiting for the girls to start lesson.

My eye for abstract expressionist.

Please correct my grammer.

Eh eh...XN was saying my blog got plenty of grammer error.
comment and correct me ON THE SPOT.
So that I know I made a mistake.
Or else I will assume there is nothing wrong.

Thank you.

Chinese song lyrics appreciation - 2

Yet another good song...
A song by Xiao Jing Teng.


作詞:阿沁 & 陳天佑 & 吳易緯 作曲:阿沁

請不要分了以後 還記得親吻過的承諾
默默低頭 那時我很多話哽在喉嚨

你的笑 你的快樂 不是我愛太多 想太多
愛放了手 我偽裝冷漠 比你先說分手

請原諒我 原諒我不成熟
不愛你是藉口 好讓你離開我
請原諒我 好想自私將你佔有
一個寂寞就給我承受 換你過更好的生活

請不要分了以後 還記得親吻過的承諾
默默低頭 那時我很多話哽在喉嚨

你的笑 你的快樂 不是我愛太多 想太多
愛放了手 我偽裝冷漠 比你先說分手

請原諒我 原諒我不成熟
不愛你是藉口 好讓你離開我
請原諒我 好想自私將你佔有
一個寂寞就給我承受 換你過更好的生活

親吻過你的脆弱 其實我比誰都要懦弱

原諒我 必須假裝愛錯
別讓時間倒流 我怕說不出口
原諒我 沒有解釋太多心痛
別無所求 徹底忘了我 愛原來要捨得

我難過 我才懂

Chinese song lyrics appreciation - 1

I am not a fan of Sun Yanzi.
But this is a very good song that I came across one day.
Was impressed by the lyrics and found out that
it was written by my all time favourite lyricist...
accompanied by my favourite chinese instrument-Er-hu.



我已經 已經把我傷口化作玫瑰

我的淚水 已經變成雨水早已輪迴

我已經 已經把對白留成了永遠

忘了天色 究竟是黑是灰


分手傷了誰 誰把它變美

我的眼淚寫成了詩 已無所謂

讓你再回味 字不醉人人自醉

因為回憶 總是美


我已經 已經把絕情變成了恭維

因為不配 你就忽然自卑說聲失陪

我已經 已經把沉默變成了懺悔

無路可退 只能無言以對

分手傷了誰 誰把它變美

我的眼淚寫成了詩 一首 無所謂

讓你再回味 字不醉人人自醉

你的品味 總是美