Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nightmare begins...

Today is a very efficient day.
BECOS THE BOSS IS NOT IN FRONT OF HER COMPUTER bombing people with emails.

And so...I was left in peace to finally do my official job. Lesson planning.

All goes well...until she step into the office at around 4pm.

Meeting starts...

Nightmare begins.


First thing in the morning...I turn on the computer and search for a resignation template...YES...I want to quit..or at least getting ready.

Today, I spent the whole day...doing things I hate the most in my life.
I spent more than 7 hours sitting in front of the computer trying to figure out how to run EXCEL...I was told to do logistic for the saturday assignment I got.

I ask myself.

I know there are millions of people doing this everyday...
and they will probably laugh at me...for not knowing how to operate EXCEL program....

The reason why I choose to do art, other than passsion...is also because I do not want to spend my life doing a 9 to 5....doing admin work.
Not that it is something wrong...but it is something that will bring me to tears...and makes me feel miserable from head to toe.

And here I am...hired as an art teacher...BUT SPEND MY WHOLE DAY....doing this. Bearing in mind I still have loads of lesson plans and other stuff to complete.

I was pulling my hair...and freaking out ...

After endless fruitless communication online emailing her to and fro...
It was to my greatest embarrassment to finally find out...it was my fault that I do not understand her instruction...


And so...the resignation template I found online earlier in the day...was saved and carefully hidden in my thumb drive....


There will be.


Today was my lovely off day.

I was warned by my colleague not to check my emails in case it spoils my off day mood...

I should have listen to her advice.

Too late.

This is only the third day...

I was really pleased by the fact that I do not hold the office key.
Therefore, I was excused for the morning to work...as no one is in the office.I was told to report work at 2pm.

HAppy, I set my alarm to 9.30am the day before.
That was the time I was suppose to report work usually.
But today...I can sleep until 9.30am.
Feeling please...
I really slept well.

My mobile starts to make noise.
I switch it off...thinking it was my alarm...
2 seconds later, it started to make noise again...
Sensing something not right...SHIT!!!>>I jump off my bed...and realise...THAT WAS MY PHONE RINGING!!! AND NOT MY ALARM....(becos I set different tone for incoming calls and alarm.)

It was my boss.

She probably has been waiting for the clock to struck 9.30am to call me.

First thing in the morning...and I am pissed.

I was told to sit-in a painting class and do logistic for the class....
Blah blah....


While you think you can get away for the day and skive...


This is only the third day...

I wonder how many emails my boss sent out in a day...

Ahh...I am so sure the 2nd day will be better..after a good night sleep.

But but...

I wonder how many emails my boss sent out in a day...

My mailbox is flooded with her emails....to give a rough figure...
I receive more than 25 emails at the end of the day from her...
And as far as I know...this happens to all the rest of my 7 colleagues..

So what's new today? My boss propose to start a painting class and I will start this lesson this Thursday...,, interesting??..NO...I still haven't finish my lesson plan and now I have a new class to run...

The only happy thing today was the completion of ONE lesson plan...
this is nothing to be proud of...as there is 5 more to go..plus all the unknown from my boss....who know what she will bomb me the next minute...

For the first time in my life, I do not look forward to receive emails.

2nd day ends.

I survive.

Day 1

The first day of work is like being wash away by Tsunami.

Confused, and worse still, the person who is suppose to be "take care " of us...broke her ankle and is on medical leave for the next one week.
Me..and another girl who is as new as me....start to help around doing admin. job and at the same time trying do researches on the lesson plan we are assigned to work on.

And so, I was given task and deadlines to finish up lessons plans by next week and was hint by the boss that MORE will come.

Lunch is with the boss. Quite a generous affair...which I have a bad feeling this is not going to be an easy job...

Phone rings all the time...emails popping up everytime you refresh the page...

That was first day...even before I figure out what was going on...

It ended.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I have a feeling my laptop is going to crush!

BUT F**K!...no spare disk or back up storage...

I hope the next time I log on my laptop it is still kicking...

Meanwhile I have tried my best to upload some of my stuff online...
to reduce casualties...

GOD!!!...if there is...Please help me.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A little news...

I am going to start my new job tomorrow...

Who knows what is ahead of me...but I do hope...it will be beautiful...

My life...

It always is.

I just have to grasp it.

I was walking home awhile ago...

Yes...I was walking home a while ago...thinking about the movie I have watch 4 hours ago...

A good movie...is one I will talk about even after a few hours or days after watching....

A bad one sometimes get the same definition...If it is SOooo bad that I have to keep critisizing it.....

Of course, this one today is a good one. Becos of the ruthlessness in it.
It has a brilliant double twist. MAgic and science....


I like this show...

"The Prestige"

Please go watch it everybody.

Worth it.

As your movie critic today....

I wish you all...a beautiful day...


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Nothing new recently...bUT...

Coming Soon!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My reply to a friend's comment.

The following is from the comments of my previous blog entry "The bestman"

"A friend. said...
Everyone is meant to die but not everyone to live. If you keep following other people's bullshit you will loose your self once more. Try to find your own best-man. Choose and not be chosen. It will start with a kiss… "
2:48 PM

strangecloud said... (This is me replying)
I guess different people sees things differently....perhaps I sound as if I am following people's bullshit...but..my dear friend...you fail to see the romantic side of the situation....I was trying to be romantic...about the whole issue...and most importantly...it is not about choosing or being chosen..., it is about...whether we have feelings for each other or not. To choose ....sounds as if whoever i choose is going to love me as much as i love him...this being naive...don't you think?...I did choose before...not as if I never. But it was the worst choice I have ever made. BEing the one to make the choice is NOT NECCESSARY ALWAYS A GOOD THING!..This is a lesson for you to learn about life, if you haven't realise. Life is beautiful and you don't always have to make choices...sometimes...it just comes to you.
5:06 AM

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The bestman

Who else can be called the bestman....other than the groom's bestfriend.


He is the bestman.

Yahui was married off yesterday in a joyous mood...while me, the bride'smaid.....notice the bestman for the day....rather interesting fact about him was...he is still single and available.

YET, this man...is a NO-GO for me.


I actually knew the existent of this man 3 years ago...

And it was yahui's idea to matchmake me with the bestman so that the 4 of us...can go out together...unfortunately...we are simply not fated to meet...for a couple of times..either I was too busy...or have sudden assignments....that I couldn't join them...or the bestman...was too busy and couldn't join us...

We somehow...never meet.

Then, I was off to glasgow...for 2 and a half years....
While the bestman...was of for national service for 2 and a half years....

Finally I was back......and last week during the church rehersal...I finally met this man. The bestman of cos.

After some cheeky discussion with yahui about the prospect of me and the bestman....she conclude that the bestman is not suitable for me.

She says...he will not consider me.

hmmm....after so many brilliant invention created by man to enhances communication and break barriers....human beings contradict themselves by creating barriers at the same time...

And so...I resign my fate to the fact that this man is not meant for me...
unless he manage to convert me...(which is not likely)...or I convert him...(which is not likely too)...OR...we respect each other becos of love...which haven't happen YET.

Then I told yahui..."perhaps...we are just fated to meet yet not fated to be together...( just to take note...we only know each other for 3 days only...and haven't spoken more than 10 words probably...no signs showing the bestman interest for me...while I do steal glances of him ocassionally out of curiosity for 3 years..)

I told yahui..."既然是有缘无份,那就下辈子吧"...(which means..since we are fated to be meet yet not fated to be together..perhaps in our next life...)...and yahui said the most cruel words to me ...

She said..."我们christian没有下辈子" ( we christian dun have next life)

OHHHHH.....of cos....christian goes to heaven...and non-christian like me...reincarnates to our next life...

which means....我们连下辈子都没有...(we dun even have next life to meet...I have though...he dun)

And so...yahui totally cut off all hopes and possibility for me.

This bestman...is really not bad...
But TOO BAD...for us...we don't even have a chance...not even in our next life...

We will be too far away from each other by then...

How far?..

He will be in heaven, while I will still be on earth...

Heaven and earth...that far.

Hmmm.....if that's the case...


Cutting hair issue

I dreamt of myself having a new haircut yesterday night...
I have lost count how many times i have dreamt of myself cutting my hair...

The last 3 times...was not so sad compared to the previous ones....

As far as I can remember...there was once...I dreamt that i have a mushroom looking hair style....and i feel strange in my dream...not sad though...probably feeling funny...

Another time...was a short haircut...yet I was actually feeling happy...

Yesterday night...I was telling ruisui...it is time to cut my hair...
and I dreamt that I cut my hair...this time...
I was feeling weird...

I think it is time to cut my hair....for a very long time...I wanted to.

NOw...it is no doubt that I will cut my hair anytime from now on...
The only problem left...

How short...or how long do I want my hair to be....how much to cut....how much not to cut....I have been thinking hard lately....

My only worries...is that...I will lost some of my secret admirers for my long hair...hahaha...they could be more disappointed than I do...if there are any.


Oh well...I will think about it.

Cut my hair...hmmmm...

It's time.

Lovely day for everybody...

Finally....yahui, my best friend is happily married off to the man who brings out the best in her....
Both of them...are made for each other...

I was so happy and touched...that when she was walking down the ale with her father in the church...I was standing behind her in tears...

I was happy for her...

Wish them all the love and happiness...


Monday, October 09, 2006


Yesterday was Yanni and Jiun Yang's wedding day....and today is their wedding dinner....

And I am thrilled!....to see them happily married....

So so so happy for them....

I wish them all the love....and a lifelong companionship....

