Thursday, April 19, 2007

All about RS and me.

And so, since I have been having VERY LONG chats with RS recently late in the night...
I shall write down a list of things I come to conclude from our recent topics...

1. Guys who are well-travelled and open-minded are attractive to us.
2. We have special feelings for UK.
3. We want to go aboard someday.
4. Typical singaporean man do not attract us.
5. I will not convert and become a christian and she understand that.
6. We love KLUNCH!
7. We are proud of our chinese standard.
8. She is having headaches from friends who tries to matchmake her to any guys available...
9. We both agree that the singlehood retirement plan is brilliant if we are left on the shelf.

Yah..that's about it.
Anything else to add RS?

Bear with me.

There have been conflicting ideas going on for my art.
And lots of confusion in fact.

Yet there is something very clear.

I have enough of looking at other people's work and feel
miserable about NOT PRODUCING.

Feel sick when I know I can do it but not doing anything.

Angry when I keep finding excuse not to work.

Hence, I was telling RS that I plan to use my ART itself as a self-check
to motivate myself to produce art.

My art, used to be a source of ventilation for my exploding thoughts...
And a record of my daily life...
Now has an additional function...
As a self-check and motivation...
Also, I always wish my art to be a window for people to see what I saw...

This beautiful beautiful life.

Bear with me...

It's coming soon...


Girls talk...

If you wonder what we girls talk about....
These are some of the topics I have explore so far...

- Boys
- Men
- History
- Politics
- Economics
- Travel
- Arts
- Technology
- Family
- Siblings
- Work stress
- Gossip
- Geography
- Literature
- Book reviews
- Music
- Religion
- Fashion
- Korean drama/Tv programme
- Environmental Issues
- Household DIY
- Computers
- Craftworks

Hmm...more or less like dat...