Saturday, January 08, 2005


Always reject people when you are not willing.
Don't do something out of kindness as people will never appreciate that in the end.


lost connection....

I have been offline lately until was...actually a relief though I lost connect with almost everybody....maybe I just need that kind of isolation occassionally.

Something not so nice...

I have been having a thought about something I thought is not very nice....
And this in turns cause me mishap....such as...being splash water by bus driving past and losing my purse....(which I found later)...and etc....but...I have decide to take action of what I have been thinking. Not something evil...just that I suspect I have been taken advantage of by a friend and I want her to pay back!...I dun see anything wrong to that though....just suspect I might lost a friend...if I want her to pay back the money....a friend whom has been taking advantage of my kindness and it is not worth it.