Saturday, March 24, 2007

The hurtest of a breakup...

After seeing too many...

I realise the hurtest part of a not when he says we are still friends...or watever shit they may offer after the breakup...

but to tell you they are attached again...
or worse getting married...

Not that we are so selfish to deny other people of searching for their own happiness...but you will start to can this person who claimed that he loves you so much and how much one moment can love someone else so quickly...

It takes time. Of course maybe after some odds years if someone I used to love tells me he is getting married finally...I will be happy for him...but I definitely do not wish to know that he had YET another fling after he hurt me and someone is going to be hurt again...

For those who are so hurt, BE STRONG!

MEanwhile, if you happen to be NOT hurt during a breakup...then be smart to realise you could be the person who might have hurt that case...

At least be considerate to the person you once claimed you have loved...


This is TAO!

Left on the shelf again...

Sorry, it's the same old boring issue regarding being left on the shelf...

But I want to highlight the real reason why I hope I am off the shelf.

Not that I need a man so badly. But I need a baby.

My maternal instinct is so strong that I suspect I have a high tendency for kidnapping somebody's baby...and really hopes to have one myself one fine day, if not, many.

I think I told too many about this...and it is nothing new already...

If I am still single by 40(initially it was 35...but I reckon...i should give myself more years), I probably will adopt one...or even have one artificially.

Seriously, I mean it.

Left on the shelf...

Today I was chatting with CQ regarding my worries for not able to find someone to spend the rest of my life with...and he commented that he can imagine the scenerio of a sad old lonely woman having a lot of cats and dogs at home...and feeds pigeons in the park during the weekends...which is supposed to be me.

Scare the shit out of me...I didn't tell him.

In sort, I am worry about being left on the shelf.

However, it becomes a mixed feeling when RS told me the statistics for divorce rates in Singapore is actually one third. Meaning out of 3 happily married couples we see walking out of the registry of marriage...1 will end up divorced.

How sad...meaning, even if you are married, it does not garuantee that there will be someone to spend the rest of the life with you...

Then, ladies and gentlemen, what is the point?

Let's analyse this... because of this depressing lost of faith in marriage, more and more people choose to be single rather than marriage which means...there are now more on the shelf then what we initially picture as "LEFT" on the shelf...not to mention those which are back on the shelf...

People who are OFF the shelf in the beginning could ended up as refund items and put back on the shelf...while people still on the shelf seems to be plenty.

So what does left on the shelf means now?
It only means that it is rather HAPPENING now on the shelf.
Plenty are on the shelf and no one is LEFT out.
Everybody has everybody.

Worse come to worst....
Just imagine...bunches of old single happy ladies forming a nice humble community who can support themselves...adopts some children and have some cats and dogs running in the cooking ,knitting, goes shopping or watch DVDs together...

Not a bad thing...

Do you get what I mean?

Are you with me?