Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Neglected Blog.

I neglected my blog for a while.
As i found a new way to shout out to the world.
Facebook, my new window to my people.

For people to see me...for me to see people.
yet, the blog will always be needed...at times like this when I do not want people to read too much.

Lately, I have been having dreams...
Too much dreams...
I wonder why...
Apart from the fact that I did not sleep well...

I wonder if they meant anything else.

Also...I am looking forward to the new year.
I hope it will be a WHOLE NEW YEAR.
And i will PROCEED.

And do things I love and is HAPPY.
While I think about how I had used up my 2008...
I need to think about how I will use my 2009.

only a little more than 1 month...