ToP TeN WiSh LiSt...
Apart from the fact that a handsome rich boyfriend is always the number one choice in my wish list with a 10-star rating...there are actually a lot other things that my life is inadequate of at this moment...
* ---------------- Can survive without it..
** -------------- Think I Can survive without it...but not nice lor...
*** ----------- Better do something about it...
**** ---------Dun noe can tahan until when...
***** ------ Kill me please!
Black shoes...I have one which I bought 8 month ago...was so torn and tattered that my supervisor always take more than 2 glances at it...and the worse thing is...water gets into my left foot when it rains ...the right one is actually ok...
Rating : **
Waterproof orange windbreaker which is suppose to be waterproof ...prove me wrong by making me soak with rain one day when I wore it...I guess it is time this windbreaker retire and rest in peace....however no potential new jacket can replace it...
Rating : **½
Detergent...running out in 2 days time which I already have been imposing strict ration of using it in the most diluted version I can make it....have been living with oily cutleries, pots and glasses.....
Rating : **½
Shampoo...using up in one week time....this is really already a miracle...considering the length of my hair if you know me in person...however that big bottle of shampoo I brought with me from Singapore manage to last me until now...what can I say...
Rating : ***
Sugar...this might seem very unimportant...but it is running out in one week time...I actually need sugar in almost everything I eat....not those VERY SWEET type of sweetness...but that kind of vaguely sweet feeling in the food that keeps me going and feel yah...sugar please...
Rating : *** amount of other things can replace the importance of drinking milk everyday...however...I have not been drinking milk since I quit my last job 3 weeks ago..that job allows me to drink milk for free...(not as a milkmaid in case you wonder....just a waitress)
Rating : ***½
Fruits...this is vital...becos I can feel my vitamin C draining off every second...and is tempted to chew on my Vitamin C pills to keep myself healthy since I cannot afford fruits in my shopping list....however...I shouldn’t becos those pills are really for my rainy days in case I fall sick...and ohh...those strawberry and apples in TESCO and Sainsbury....I really CRAVE for them...
Rating : ***½
One full time and one part time job...this one is just becos I need to pay rent and school fees...nothing interesting..I have already got a part time but it din manage to feed me becos it is low season and not job assignments to feed me...however my only dilemma is I am not available to work until August...although the fact that I am going to be broke in 2 weeks time makes this wish very important...however I am confident to find a job that’s about it...
Rating : ****
Broadband Internet connection....One year ago I would laugh at this point because I dun used to think internet is essential...or maybe it is still not...but I simply need it because of the subject I am researching on for my essay as well as my project for my studio practice...Internet connectivity has somehow become a NEED!
Rating : ****½
TV....I still cannot get over the fact that my bed-sit doesn’t have a TV.....I really dun noe how I can survive until now though I manage to...Can you imagine I can watch TV 12 hours a day in Singapore...and now have to live with no TV in my room....KILL ME PLEASE!
Rating : *****
Nowadays, I dun believe in Fairy-God Mother (especially after watching Shrek2)...and this is not a posting for people to send me things please... ...I dun accept donations or sorts unless of course you are rich and handsome and want to offer yourself to me ....
I just want to share my sweet sour, bitter and spicy here.....other than that...I am just showing off that I am surviving!