Saturday, May 21, 2005

One last article...for the day ..I promise...

LAst last!!!...I promise...

The typical cycle of a person suffering from OCD.

Obsessions cause anxiety, causing the sufferer to engage in compulsions in an attempt to aleviate the distress caused by the obsessions. In order to gain relief. Carrying out these compulsions, or rituals, does not result in any permanent change, and in fact, the OC symptoms worsen.

Relief ---->Obsession ----> Anxiety ----> Compulsions -----> Relief----->


An OCD Story

A man can't bear to throw anything away. Junk mail, old newspapers, empty milk cartons all "could contain something valuable that might be useful someday." If he throws things away, "something terrible will happen."
He hoards so much clutter that he can no longer walk thru his house. Insisting that nothing be thrown away, he moves to another house where he continues to hoard.

Sounds like me...move to another country...and continues to hoard...

OK!!!...this is the last OCD news of the DAY!



Ahh...sorry folks...

To bore you all with my another OCD...
Obessive compulsive disorder to find out if I am really an OCD....and bombard everyone with rubbish info I find online....about OCD...
Forgive me.
I just need to assure myself...OH NO!!!...another type of OCD..."need to repeatedly assure myself of something"...
If this goes on...I will be if I am not now.

watever...couldn't be bother anymore...yawn...


Similiar definition

Hoarding symtoms-

Reluctance to throw things away, regardless of the value or usefulness.
Rummaging through garbage to ensure nothing valuable was thrown away. Collecting useless items.


More about OCD...

Facts: blue is the is my comment.

OCD is a medical illness recognized by experts throughout the world.
OCD is the fourth most common mental illness and affects approximately 5 million people in the United States.
People with OCD are not "crazy", although they may sometimes feel that way because they are troubled by thoughts and actions that they know are inappropriate. (I dun think I am crazy..)
People with OCD are often anxious and depressed. (It is a known fact that I have cyclical depression which I enjoy...strangely)
People with OCD often believe they are the only ones who have irrational, obsessive thoughts, and are therefore often ashamed and afraid to tell anyone or to seek help. (I am not ashame of fact I quite like the idea that I am not too normal...and I tell everyone..!!)
Diagnosis is delayed until these symptoms are "unmasked". (this is true...I din realise that...before)
Having OCD is not a sign of weakness or a lack of willpower in stopping the thoughts and behaviors. (Agree)
Although the exact cause is not known, experts believe that OCD may be caused by low levels of a chemical in the brain called
serotonin. (If that is the case...I might not be suffering from OCD...I have got good amount of serotonin....and eat healthily...of cos...the exact cause is not known)
OCD is a treatable disease, and effective medications and therapy techniques are available.
Sufferers can get better if they seek help and get the appropriate treatment


So many type of OCD....what a crazy world...we are living in...

There are actually all kinds of OCD in this weird weird world...and i am beginning to suspect everybody has their own little obsession....

mine is this...

Hoarding, Saving, and Collecting Obsessions
*Urge to know or remember certain things-slogans, license plate numbers, names, words, events of the past (70%)
*Picking up items from the ground (60%)
*Filling empty space (60%) like cannot stand a place which is too empty...dun feel comfortable...
*Difficulty throwing things away, even seemingly useless items (90%)
*Collecting useless things (90%)
*Saving or collecting seemingly useless items

I am suppose to think hard about how strong these aspect affect me...according to this category of obsession...I put a bracket to each example in terms of how intense I feel is relevent to me...but I would like to explain the part about collecting seemingly useless problem is...I find all items useful....nothing is too useless...that is why i collect them...but...for most people...the things i collect does seems useless.

Then...I found some other Obsession which reminds me of some

Repeating, Counting, Ordering Compulsions
Reading and rereading things, sometimes for hours
Excessive worrying that one didn't understand something one read
Excessive writing and rewriting things
Repeating routine activities-going in and out of doorways, repeated crossing of thresholds, getting up and down from a chair, combing hair, tying shoes, dressing and undressing over and over
Doing certain activities a particular number of times
Counting items-books on a shelf, ceiling tiles, cars going by
Counting during compulsive activities, such as checking and washing
Arranging items in a certain order - books, pencils, cupboards (80%)

I remember my fren LW...always make sure her pencils and pen are arrange in a particular direction in her pencil case...ohh..but only that example....the rest does not apply is not a OCD I reckon...not like me...who has all the ticks in the tick boxes for my category...

and and this one...which I suspect many people are in a way...

Superstitious Obsessions
Fear of saying certain words because of obsessional beliefs
Fear of using certain colors for superstitious reasons
Fears about deviating from certain patterns of counting, walking around ladders, walking between oil spots on the pavement, etc.
Concern with lucky and unlucky numbers


Ordering and Organizing Obsessions
Preoccupation with exactness, or perfect order
Having handwriting be perfect or "just so"
Compiling information, files, papers, or other items a certain "perfect" way many category and examples....
Can we just assume everybody is crazy in some way....
Hence the conclusion is...since everybody is crazy...
That makes me NORMAL.
This is what Yahui told me.



I took a test to identify OCD tendency....and the results are below...

You scored 6 out of 20 in Part A.(0 indicates no OCD tendencies, while 20 indicates maximum OCD tendencies.)
You scored 5 out of 20 in Part B.(0 indicates no OCD tendencies, while 20 indicates maximum OCD tendencies.)
Based on the above results, it appears you may have OCD or a related disorder. However, only a qualified mental health provider can make a more accurate diagnosis. OCD can be treated effectively and the OCF encourages anyone who may have OCD to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Judging from the above...I think I should be fine...probably a minor case...becos..the bottom line for the test long as my life is not affected by it...I am ok.

Feel so much better now.