Tuesday, July 13, 2004


I have apple-craving recently...
I bought a bag of ten yesterday and ate 5 of them since....
now I have 5 left and i suspect i can finish them tomolo....
10 apples COST £1.48
which is S$ 4.50
I can't believe i am spending such amount on apples....
I shouldn't....becos i am suppose to be on tight budget...
But i dun care...I want to eat apples...
and that's it!



Yesterday, i dreamt that I cut my hair...just the fringe...
not much though...
but is enough for me to cry and cry in my dream....
so sad that i can feel the pain in my heart....
I guess that is a warning....
To warn me not to cut my hair....
I have plans to cut my hair 2 days ago....for a project call
"Rapunzel Complex" or "Rapunzel Revenge"
anyway...now with that dream....I am thinking of alternative.....

I promise I will NOT cut my hair for the time being....until I stop having this nightmare again...this is in fact the second time i had such dreams...the last time I dreamt that i cut my hair till shoulder length...and i cried and cried as well....until my heart aches

Guess i am not ready to cut my hair really....
Better keep it long for the time being....
For my heart sake....


Bak kwa Sensation

I think i am crazy.
Sitting in front of the oven waiting.
Waiting for my bak kwa to heat up and ready.

I wake up in the middle of the night, which i suspect is 3am now
( I dun really noe the time, i am just guessing) to bake bak kwa....
In fact, i didn't wake up, because I couldn't sleep in the first place,
while i just lie on my bed thinking a about a lot of things....

Then I decided that I am going to eat Bak kwa.
I open the fridge and took out the Bak kwa that i kept in Ziploc bag...
2 pieces of them.
Took out one and tear it into half....not in equally half uncontrollably....
I stare at the 2 halves for more than 5 second and think very hard....
Deciding which piece i should put in the oven...
I decided to be generous with myself tonight and choose the bigger half...

So now..here I am waiting.
For me bak kwa to heat up and while waiting, I though I should write down this crazy act while waiting....

I suspect I must be crazy right now...or maybe i am just hungry.
But no. i am not.

Not hungry I am sure, but not sure if i am crazy.....

I think is 3am but is actually 4am then.