Monday, March 07, 2005


Cannot find a better word to describe the feeling when i saw my two rolls of slides turning into blank rolls....when i collected then last friday. Issit my camera, or my fault...I am not interested at all actually....becos i am simply pissed off for spending £20 plus in all to produce nothing.... I know nobody believe this...but £20 is alot of money to me...i sacrifice my 3 months of daily spendings for art...and i get nothing.


The mystery of the dimishing dimples...

The one thing that i am proud of about my face is my dimple...any other features on my face can be ignore actually...but recently i have gain weight...and my dimples are disappearing...TO MY HORROR! conclusion is...I have grown fat ...and the fats around my face muscle has cause the strain causing difficult to my face muscle to push further to create the usual dent....bottom line is...I need a diet.


Things I hate about my flatmate..blah blah...

I have been following this blog of late...
funny and ironic...keeps me entertained.


The weather report...

"The weather is beginning to look a bit more like spring finally..." said the weatherman from BBC news is suppose to be spring now...and yes...finally it is behaving are growing happily...and leaves are sprouting...but we never know...when it will go haywire again....just have to be glad that the sun shines today.


In bad shape.

I am convinced that i have become very unhealthy lately.
I knew this when my lecturer and me walk out the the school building together and ended up 50 metres behind her after walking up some steps and up the slope towards the library....the worse part was...despite the fact that I was already walking too slowly....i was I have done a 2.4KM run....something is not right...I need to do something.