Wednesday, May 18, 2005

This is the black and white 1970 Brazil vs Italy super 8 film I watch yesterday...I took a pic.. Posted by Hello


Blog suring is fun....and I am sooo impressed with some of the websites made by many people...hope to have one myself soon...Damn determine to do it...but after i graduate of cos......

and Oh oh!!!....vangelis was telling me about how fun greece is...and i should go there to backpack...i have a fren Deppy...she is from greece as well and she also tells me it is fun...ahhh...I have decided to include Greece in my bacpacking plan...and i am going to schedule 3 months there....I just found out you can take the DIVE master course in greece for free if you work for them for 2 dive master of sooo forward to dive for happy.


An interesting film screening...

i was rather anti social for a long while since i arrive in glasgow and never really did intereact with my classmates at all....but recently...I am enjoying the life of a student stay in studio to with friends...go for openings...go home an cook nice dinner....spend money on my the usual student thingy to eat junk food...and yesterday...I was at a classmate house to watch 16mm film and super 8 on an ancient looking projector...a very refreshing experience...and we had a good laugh watching shows like Squirm...The Omen...Nightmare castle...and a forget the name...but is about king Arthor...and the title is er...something holy Grail...ah..watever...and we even watch the black and white of 1970 world cup final brazil vs italy!!!!..and saw Pele in action....very amusing...very fun...and very unusual...also becos of the people I watch it with...i was with my studio neighbour Alec...and his roommate Simpo...another classmate of mine..and with vangelis...four of us spend the night watching old old movies...and black and white silence a little wat an art student should do...isn't it.



felt so miserable becos i am hiding the truth from my own like my inner self...if i cannot be true to it...what can be worse...yet i choose to block my feelings just becos i am afraid to be found out...such an idoit!!!...can't stand it anymore....argghhhh..!!! stupid girl!!!


Opps....Gomenasai..(means apology in japanese)

Aye apology for behaving ridiculously... can't help it...I sort of knew what most of my frens will react to the previous blog...for those who knows chinese....good for you...for those who should i do...should i open a new blog!!!



The most idoitic thing I have done...forgive me folks...I realy dun want to see myself do this a s well..

I drafted up some of my post just 5 minutes ago which means they disappear from my blog visually...but is still in the server...I did post them 3 hours ago and was in fact onlined....but I sort of remove them...becos...I am so afraid that I could be caught in the act......of of...ah...I shouldn't be disclosing too much....maybe I shall write the rest in chinese now...因为我怕被发现我在暗恋他....明白了吧....最笨的是, 我不小心让他看到这个网址....然后他问我...是不是我的blog....ah....太危险了..他可能随时上网看到的...and I know I am a coward...I REALLY AM!!!!...but I really dun dare!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to all my friend who cannot read chinese....and those who missed out the precious blog...I promise I will post them back when the tide is over....PROMISED!



Did I ever told you about room 2?....This is a picture of ROOM 2...I am in Room 3...the story about this man is...he ran away without paying rents for 2 months....I remember there used to be this stench whenever he opens the door....and went out....those pizza like his one years supply i guess...I would say he is a serious obsessive compulsive collector....If you know what I mean....this picture only shows 25% of the whole room...I was so excited to know that someone's room looks more horrible than me...and I inherit some of his stuff after he ran landlord say I can help myself...and I took some CDs...and books...yah...and there was news about him landlord says...he was now in a mental hospital...apparently...he really is a serious case....but I shouldn't be pot calling kettle black...I am no better.....I know this.... Posted by Hello

And this is my room in Glasgow...see MY STYLE??!! Posted by Hello

I love to show this pic of my room to my my room in Singapore...and...this is the picture my lecture saw and said that he would hanged himself if he had a daughter who has a room like me...yah...this is the pic... Posted by Hello

For those who knows what is 13 wonders...and realise there is a missing is here!!!! ...LOOK!...yi wan!!! Posted by Hello

Being alone here can be miserable...but not so when you can have a game of mahjong...which I missed a lot since I left home....I install the game on my laptop now and play it whenever I am bored...and look people....THE 13 WONDERS(shi san yao!!!) lucky.... Posted by Hello