Saturday, January 27, 2007

Too tired to bargain...

Sometimes,it is sad when buying something becomes a chore.

After so many days of travelling, it gets tired to bargain for simply everything.

For the first few was a sense of be able to slash the price by half...of whatever you now...It is plain tiring. Why can't they just have a fix price...a reasonable one whereby the local and the foreigner pays the same. A simple pair of socks...which cost $1, becomes $2 when they heard me speaking in they have to do that? Or they just enjoy the part where I shake my head and walk away...before they say "ok...$1.50"...and still it is expensive. And then, one fine day you will find a stall selling the same thing, 3 for $1.

Shopping has never been more mentally agonizing than this.

As for those humble vendors, who charge me decent local rates, I make sure I went back again and again. Just like the dessert store at Hang can street...we went there twice a day for a bowl of red bean soup for 50 cents. Simply satisfying, physically and mentally.

I will remember never to go back to Cat Ba Island for a bowl of red bean soup , which is not even half as tasty but twice the price...because I am a tourist.

Aren't tourist human?

What have we done to deserve this other than the fact that we are here to spend money.

Going solo...

It is always conflicting to be travelling alone.

To feel lonely yet enjoy the peace.
To feel lost yet enjoy finding the way.
To be alone yet always manage to make new friends.

From now on, I will be going solo for the next one week.

However, I will miss my travel mates A LOT, because there will be no one to fight the toilets one to squat at the street for food one to share the cost for food and one to pick one to talk one to be sarcastic one to complain more snoring sound...

Not a bad thing, but need some time to adjust.
Afterall, I have been travelling with them for quite a while...
Kind of miss them now...

Just a feeling.

Travellers ALERT!

This Guesthouse at 83 Thouc Bac street of Hanoi...

This secluded guesthouse, behind a shop promise to charge a little less then usual...but add a lot of surcharge when they bill you....

I better check out as soon as possible.

Traveller's Fatigue

You know when you have this when you just wanna sleep in your guesthouse and refuse to go out the streets.

You also know when you have this when your immune system starts to deteoriate.

Yah, that's about it.

The sweetest smile...