Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I lost yet another pair of my earrings...

I always lost my earrings...
I love them...but because I love them...I wear them...and I will misplace them.
Sometimes...I will be in a dilema...to wear them...somehow would mean to lose them ...no matter how careful I am...
And not to wear...why should i even buy them...

I used to like this tiny pair of peridot stud earrings ...and I lost it twice..and bought it twice...
Now...I don't know where they are...

One of my most painful ones...
I bought them in Quebec...
Dangling silver dream catcher earrings...
I lost half of it...one side...
In glasgow...
It was never found...
But I still keep the other half...
It was a special day to me when I lost it...
Special...as much happiness as it was, sad to me now...

The other..I only wore it once..
A pair of small white crochet flowers earrings...
I bought them in Glasgow...
I never found them...

This time...
A pair of silver semi circle
Hill tribe style dangling earrings...
I first saw this pair of earrings a few month ago in thapae, Chiangmai..
went to the same tiny earring stall every sunday since...
Just to look at that pair of earring...
I hesitated for 4 weeks...becos it was beyond my budget for a pair of earrings..
And finally bought it on my birthday...becos I was so sad on that day...
And that was the only thing that did cheer me up a bit...
I was still wearing it last saturday...
and now...gone..

I was actually quite upset...

But i was touched becos I notice not only my mum trying to search for it...
but my father...also quietly looking everywhere for it for me...

I have stopped trying to look for it...becos my last resort was to NOT LOOK FOR IT...in the hope that it will appear itself...
Lost properties like to play this kind of trick...
the more you want to find something...the more you cannot find it...

It was just a pair of earrings...
Lost it...
I can buy another pair...

Like someone had said...
"have a good buy"..

But then...there are just things in this world...
you will never come across again...the second time...

What HM said is slightly more logically though...
you can always find another favourite pair...next time..
Find another favourite pair... and not "have a good buy"...

You can always buy another pair easily as many as you want...
but it will not be your next favourite pair...
if you don't use your heart to find it.