Thursday, October 27, 2005

This guy...

I can't believe myself...
I am suppose to be moaning...over my lost love....
Yet...there is this cute guy in my department who occassionally sits opposite my desk...and whenever i look up to check the time on the clock...i will catch a glimpse of him....and sometimes...he will caught me looking...and...I have been wondering...maybe he caught me looking...becos he was also...looking at me... that feeling...makes me feel alive again...

Oh...and he is really cute...that cute smile on his face...I like it...
I got to know him...becos i was offering people around me biscuit I brought to office
..he happens to love it...and I like it too...that called "tuc in"

Suddenly...I found one major advantage of being single again...
I can love again...I mean...I can enjoy the feeling of falling in love again...
Or..simply just enjoy the fact that I can fancy some guy in the office without feeling guilty...hmmm...not bad not bad...
I think...I have been coping very well with my life now...


Oh...and...some updates to my friends...I am going to Budapest to visit friend this saturday....

SO look forward!!!!

For those who dun noe...Budapest is in Hungary.

And and...hmm...oh

Tomolo is my last day working in the bank...and also the halloween we are suppose to dress up..under the theme " Pirates"....I am planning to wear BIG DANGLING earrings and wrap skirts...with a scarf over my head..and do multiple plaits to me hair....I wonder what Chris will dress up as...opps...aye...his name...that office guy...his name is chris. But...yah...last day....bye bye Chris....
I guess memory is more beautiful when nothing actually happens...

So much more beautiful...

Having said this...

I wonder when will I ever love anyone again...

So beautiful...I wish nothing ever happens....

How sad...



