Saturday, October 18, 2008


Please do not read this if you are someone who believes in GOD,
in case you might be offended.

Basically, an atheist does nothing until a theist proves his point solid.
As such, I am not an atheist, as some of my christian friend called me...
Because they haven't manage to prove their points SOLID enough for me to ANTI.

And also, as much as my christian friends wants me to go to heaven with them,
I, from the bottom of my heart also wish that they can see the real world as what it is.
It is only fair to acknowledge nature's effort to shape EARTH as what it is now after millions of years of evolution...and not someone who created it from nowhere.
I wish I can enlighten them as much as they wish to convert me.

To quote some interesting truth that I read somewhere,

"it takes more faith to believe in a self created universe then it does to believe in a created universe by a creator."

It is just too easy to say some divine power created the world....
as you don't have to prove it.
You just have to accept it.

But with our knowledge of MOTHER NATURE today...
IT WAS NEVER EASY and we are still seeking.

Think about it.

And thank nature.

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