Thursday, June 02, 2005

Title blogging...

Ah...too busy...millions to write...but trillions to do...
so I shall speed blogging by putting up the titles to remind myself and fill up the content when i have time.

1. "No...but keep trying."
2. Kungfu fighting.
3. She is not threatening anymore I wonder why.
4. "Good for you...good for the kids"
5. Bitch vs Bastard reconcilation.
6. Throw away my paintings.
7. we are going to have dinner in asian style but we are too tired.
8. 6 days to heaven.
9. How to you turn down the volume...?...why dun you ask me?
10. "you need an administartor for ur laptop"
11. "you are hired...but how much?....student discount?...99%!...nah...98 maybe..."
12. ebay spoof...
13. His birthday.
14. His father and my father.
15. More kungfu fighting. much to write....