Monday, October 06, 2008

The 4x4 Rubik's Revenge!

I almost did it...
but gave up and cheat because of a parity error of an edge flip.
I am just plain lazy to memorize that VERY LONG algorithm...

r ² B ² U ² l U ² r ' U ² r U ² F ² r F ² l ' B ² r ²

25 moves leh!
I need the mood lah...

Perhaps tomolo.

I have manage to speed up my 3x3 cube recently
with some new algorithms i learn online...
and keep a record of an average of around 3 minutes.

I will post a video SOON!

Some tech gadget updates and gossip....

For someone who had technophobia in the past...
I think i strangely overcome my fear with great enthusiasm...
Just like having the phobia to swim when i was young...
I fell in love with diving...

Anyway...yes...some gadget updates.


Rumours says that the new MAC BOOK PRO is coming out..
And lots of MOCK-UP MBP photos(eg, shown above) done by anticipating MAC fans
are already circulating on the web eversince...

Some says that it will adhere closely to their Mac Book AIR concept...
While some call the new MacBook...Macbook NANO.
Of course...without doubt...MORE EXPENSIVE....
Some speculated that it will be a MAC BOOK Pro and iphone hybrid... with glossy look and slimmer body...and bah blah..
Whichever...I probably will not be able to afford it... And probably will be PISSED if my MAC BOOK PRO's price drop. Though I am aware of this rumour long ago...but I can't wait to buy a new laptop.
I probably will sit and wait until my MAc book pro retires in probably 3 to 4 years time...
My NEC only bearly scraped through its 5 years mark with obvious hiccups in its last.
I wish my MAC can work really hard for me until I finish my Master...


The new CaNON G10 is OUT last month.
With higher resolution of 14megapixel this time...
Better Wide angle lens...28mm...
Higher shutter speed of 1/4000 to G9's 1/2500 sec...
Higher LCD Pixel...
Better hand Grip..
Blah blah... reduces it's optical zoom power from G9's 6 G10's 5 times...
Which is a great disappointment...
Having only 6 times optical zoom was ALREADY my greatest woes...
And despite this shortcoming...Canon DOWNGRADED G10's optical zoom to 5 times.
The Lumix Fz-18 has 18 times optical zoom and cost cheaper.
Having high megapixel is useless since everyone is just going to print 4R...or simply put it online.
Who needs 14megapixel to post online...
It is just going to slow down uploading speed.
Furthermore.....they also reduce the option for better movie file quality.

Tsk Tsk...Canon don' know what they are losing.
Despite the fact that it is a successor of G9...
G10 will NOT BE on my wanted list.
Though I had to admit I am tempted by the wide angle and shutter speed...


G9 is still THE BEST!

ADOBE Creative Suite 4 (CS4)

Yes yes yes!
It is OUT.
While I am still struggling to get a CS3.
And yes..the price of CS4 or MORE EXPENSIVE than my MBP...
I wonder whether it will make it more expensive or cheaper..
Hard to say...
As long as i can do my video and make my website...
By the way...
Where are my pirate friends!?
Where is my CS3??

I want my CS3 MAster collection NOW!
If you have Cs4...even better.
My life as an artist is dependent on YOU, you and You out there.

Many thanks in advance.

Oh well...that's all folks.

I think I am almost there towards my dream artist life...
Still need a STUDIO and pay rent, buy materials and support my parents!

Hang on there while i make art!