Tuesday, November 16, 2004


A few weeks ago...i went for an eye test...my optician told me my spec was over-prescribe. And so...I have been looking with an over-prescibe lenses...which means I have been looking more clearly?...or seeing things clearer than I should?....lol...my optician say..it is forcing my eye to work harder....then it should..straining it....in actual fact, I believe there is only one point where it was the clearest...and any other points will be blur...But why is my over-prescribe lens VERY Clear to me...my optician’s reply was becos ...my eye had get used to the over-prescribe condition....which means...my eyesight has become well adapt and worse becos of my over-prescribe spec...and how would he know?.. .if my eye-sight has become worse..that would mean my spec is just right for me and would not be over-prescribe....ahh...all too confusing....but one definitely conclusion from him...is to get a new spec...whahaha.....must be one of his marketing skill to make people make new specs...but I would say...his eye test is really professional....according to him...he needs to get a degree to be a professional optician.....ok...ok...I get that....and I feel it myself...I need a new spec...which I cannot afford...so forget it...I shall live with my over-prescribe spec as long as my eye can take it.


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