Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Day 1

The first day of work is like being wash away by Tsunami.

Confused, and worse still, the person who is suppose to be "take care " of us...broke her ankle and is on medical leave for the next one week.
Me..and another girl who is as new as me....start to help around doing admin. job and at the same time trying do researches on the lesson plan we are assigned to work on.

And so, I was given task and deadlines to finish up lessons plans by next week and was hint by the boss that MORE will come.

Lunch is with the boss. Quite a generous affair...which I have a bad feeling this is not going to be an easy job...

Phone rings all the time...emails popping up everytime you refresh the page...

That was first day...even before I figure out what was going on...

It ended.

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