Tuesday, April 12, 2005

On the move..

As far as I can remember...in my consious memory...my family had moved at least 5 times in my entire life...my mum would remember more..probably when I was a baby... and if you know how truamatising house moving can be...it always involve a lot of dumpings....and a lot things lost on the way...with each time our family moves...my mum throws away something from my thrash collection...until now...I am still bother that I cannot find my primary school year book...which I suspected it was thrown away mistakingly as old textbooks....or old magazine...and was upset i couldn't find my secondary school chinese essay exercise book...where I wrote the some of the few essays that I have been proud of...I remember I got an 80marks over a hundred for one particular one...when 78 is usually the highest we have heard of..and 80 is definitely rare...then...also...my JC notes...with my scribblings of poems all over corners of my economics notes.....such memories....and this time...they are moving again...and I suspect my mum can be merciless again...I dun what she can throw this time...but I know she had been careful these days...becos she knows how upset I can be...and not to mention...I cannot find all my 'O' level certs and 'A' level cert before I left singapore which i put them all in an envelope...(i hope it has not meet it's fate yet)..plus a lot of my other stuff, it is really not her fault becos I know I am quite icorrigible when it comes to organisation...which I will put it in a nice term call the 'chaotic order'....in chinese there actually has such a word for it called "乱中有序"....which means..."orders among the chaotic"...I has already pass down specific instruction to my family that I want all the stuff in my room to be INTACT...and to sum up..in order to threaten my mum and my brother , and my father not to try anything funny....I would like to declare my relationship with my properties....THEY DIE I DIE!


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