Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My New Darling...

My mac arrive unexpectedly this afternoon while I am still struggling to decide if i should wake up or not.

It ended up sitting on the floor for hours until I clear my table at night to set it up.

It was a struggle.
Just a little bit.

Compare to 5 years ago when I first got my NEC and is a COMPLETE DUMMY with computers...

This is consider a breeze. However, I swear...it is really not as easy as it sound on the commercial and whichever guide book that lure you to buy a mac...
It still takes time and effort to figure out what is going on for a new laptop.

So far...I have learn that...

1. Dock for Apple = Taskbar for PC
2. Msn on Mac is IRRITATING...and hang my computer everytime!
3. Somehow my external hard disk can only be read and copy...but cannot edit and delete.
4. As foreseen earlier on, I still don't know what to do with my Word file.
5. WMA files problems are solved.
6. You can Magnify you webpage with short key...which is FUN!
7. My itune still cannot read chinese and korean yet.
8. YOU BETTER THINK CAREFULLY what you want for your shortname when you first register you computer, as there is actuall no way to change it. Unless you remove the account and set another up. I got my shortname ok...but damn my user name...it is fixed now.
9. Power plug design is EXACTLY what I needed...I trip and fall years ago and crash my laptop.
10. Control, Click on the application to FORCE QUIT! I learn this to force quite my MSN.

Ad so you see....all else seems ok except for all other things that is related to MICROSOFT.
And I really like those bouncing icons on the Dock.

Oh well...

So far for now...while i go figure out how to teach my MAc read and write chinese.



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