Sunday, June 08, 2008

Weird thoughts...

I woke up in the morning thinking and counting to myself how many compound (2 characters chinese) surname are there altogether I can think of. It kept me awake for at least 10 minutes...until I fell asleep again.

I came up with...7 examples.

1. 歐陽

I was pleased with myself then.

A few hours later...I woke up and couldn't help but to google for more examples.
I am sure there are more which I cannot remember.
And so I was right...
These chinese compound surnames are called 复姓. (Fu-xing)

Here are more which I guess you might find familiar too..(if you read as many chinese sword-play novel as me...or watch as many...)

1. 淳于
2. 東方
3. 獨孤
4. 呼延
5. 令狐
6. 慕容
7. 南宮
8. 完顏
9. 夏侯
10. 長孫
11. 諸葛

How about that!
I am done with this weird thoughts for the day.

Thank you for reading.

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