Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My confession...

I have been doing something lately 
That I thought would consider rather despicable
Which I see the need to make a serious confession...
That is,
I have been taking toilet papers home from the school library...
In another words...
I have been stealing toilet papers from the school library!
er well...maybe not steal...too harsh a word to use...
after all the toilet papers in the cubicles are free..
Well, I must say I am guilty, I really am.
But toilet rolls here are really too expensive...
Like £1.60 for 4 rolls...which is S$4.80 for 4 rolls...
This amount can buy me 2 dozens of toilet rolls in Singapore!!!!
I simply cannot allow myself to indulge in such a luxury
especially when £1.60 can buy me a lot of other things!!!!
However, I try to reduce my sin by not taking all the toilet rolls away...
but only a bit more everyday so that i have enough to use at home...
I will always make sure there are some left in the toilet so that other people can use...
If there really is GOD...
please dun send me to hell for stealing toilet papers,
as I really have my difficulties...
Best thing is...
If there really is GOD,
Send me some toilet rolls, please!
Thank You.

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