I realise...
Different kind of friends play different role in your life.
While u play different role to your friends' lives.
Some friends...are those you call up every few days...to update your life.
Since they already know what is going on in your life.
Or Even if there is nothing going on in your life...
However, if there is a lagged in updating information or delay for too long.
Interaction level will drop if communication is always initiated one-sidedly.
Some friends...are those...you see once in a while...
or some... once in a blue moon.
Yet, it seems perfectly alright to you.
You just need to catch up and move on.
Some friends, you just know they will call you.
And you don't have to call them.
However, if they do not call you,
you will only call them when you remember to.
Some friends, you will only remember when you meet them in gatherings.
And the next meeting is the next wedding dinner perhaps.
Some, are those you can call in the middle of the night at 3am and they will not get angry...
Some, strangely likes to calls you at 12 midnight...
Some, are those who share the same taste as you when it comes to watching movies.
Some, you will not want to travel with though they are your good friends.
Some, share most of the mahjong session of your life.
Some, are your best KTV mates.
Some, are good to go shopping with.
Some, likes the same kind of food.
Some, goes to the late night weekend sales with you...
Some, wake up early in the morning and go to the library sales with you...
Some, always meet you at Kinokuniya...
Some, you talk to them about politics...
Some, you share your dreams...
Some, you pour your woes....
Some, you share your philosophy in life...
Some, you talk about man....
Some, you may want to keep a distance because you are afraid of getting hurt .
Some, keep a distance from you, because they do not want to hurt you.
Some, automatically drift away because of time and distance.
Some, will always buy you something when they go abroad...
Some, will remember your birthday.
Some, you are just contented not to keep in contact until you have to.
Some, if you do not keep in contact, you will lose them.
Some, will correct your grammar mistakes...
Some, like to point out your typo.
Some, are those who have known you for more than half of you life so far...
Some, reads your blog...
Some, did not know you have a blog...
Some, simply understand why you like to watch K-drama...
Some, have been waiting for you to cut your hair for a long long time ...
Which one are you?