Friday, June 06, 2008

Thank you, LW.

There is this chinese saying...

塞翁失马 焉知非福

(Blessing in disguise)

To me, I want to see this JCCI incident as such...

Yet, at this moment, no matter what, I am in pain.

I will sometimes went into a daze to enjoy my own depresssion.

I am depressed.

The wait is too long.

Yet in the end...for nothing.

I am angry to be exact. With myself mostly.

Even YH and SY , my two best friends, did not see the important of this scholarship to me.
Not being able to fufil this scholarship dream will affect my life for the next 10 years.
My art practice, my home, my space, my savings, my family, my location, my way of life, the language I will hear around me, the weather around me, my skin condition, my diet, the air I breathe in, the food I eat....who I will meet.

I am sad because I am at lost.
I cannot visualize myself anywhere doing what and for what.
I am LOST.
Even though I actually did prepare myself a Plan B to go Netherland to study my MA if my tokyo scholarship fails...I did not prepare myself to jump into plan B before I even try Plan A.

And at this moment of grief...
Someone manage to divert a ray of hope into my depression...
And shed me new lights...for my future...
I would like to thank her with this post.
She manage to cheer me up in the mids of my angst with one sentence.
A brilliant twist of the great wisdom of 塞翁失马 焉知非福 from our chinese forefathers...

She said,

"Maybe you are fated to marry a Dutch."


Why not.


Anonymous said...

heh !!!

I want to say, it was exactly how I felt when my first attempt to apply for my then dream school was rejected.
Then, I started to push myself to rework on the application, which process push me to find out harder about other opportunities, and realize that other opportunities could be equally appealing.
Life could have something equally good or even better for you awaiting, just the timing might be later.
And who knows, the Netherland plan could fit into your life plan better?


liwei said...

fwah... i have a post dedicated to me, me, me! hahaha... self-congratulatory gloating aside, i m sure you will find the silver lining in this dark cloud, gal! chin up! leeeweee!