Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mac vs PC Round 3

Just a recap.

Round 1. PC wins! Though it sounds like a tie, but I almost did decided to buy a Toshiba.
Round 2. Mac wins! Totally fed up with window.

Now, round 3.
I have been checking out price for MAc.
This is the final round...and I have to say...
Mac wins.


I ask around people who uses MAc and people who uses Pc about their own computers and how they feel about using them or switching it to PC or Mac...
And ask them to vote...whether they think I should buy a Mac or PC.
Below are some of my findings.

1. AG, who is a MAC user fully support the idea of getting a MAC, told me his macbook pro is GREAT!

2. JL, who is a PC user excitedly support the idea of getting a MAC, I ask her why...since she is a PC user...she says her boyfriend uses a mac and it is good.

3. JY, a PC user commented that her sister's new laptop's window vista is SHIT and warn me not to buy laptop with vista...which means...I should get a MAC...because unless i get old models in the market with window XP...or else all new laptop are either vista or MAC.

4. KY, a PC user commented that vista is sluggish.

5. SY says that her new laptop with "troublesome"

6. Someone commented in my blog that I should buy a PC...because it is more affordable.(and not because it is good?)

7. YQ is a PC user, says...get a mac...because he sound like he meant...I am not a heavy user and MAc is good enough for my usage. But I wanted to tell him...MAC can do heavy duty stuff as well.

8. AF, a MAc user ask me when I am getting a MAC.

9. None of my PC friend respond actively to my plead to vote whether I should buy a PC or MAC. They only reply when I ask...and then sort of reluctantly says...get a MAC if you can afford.

10.MOST of those who respond excitedly...VOTE FOR MAC!

Of course, I do understand MAc is not perfect as I have mention in round 1.
The weak MSN ability. and problem of not playing WMA...

But you are sensible and you can think.
You tell me, from the above findings...

Is it PC or MAC?

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