Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mental Equilibrium > Spiritual High

I was chatting online with YQ a few days ago...
And he asked me why I was feeling high...

I told him....

Because my life is back to normal again...
and normal...
means a balanced, self-regulative mind and heart....

My mind and heart loses their power to maintain equilibrium since a year ago...when someone broke my heart...

Time heals....with my heart(and mind) gaining back its original state...
My world back to normal....returns to equilibrium...

Confusing as I sound...."what has balance got to do with feeling high"...

I explained to YQ...

BEing mentally balanced....means everything is well regulated emotionally...
resulting in me feeling spiritually light-weighted...
Hence feeling high....

Mental equilibrium ==>Spiritual High

Get it?

Yes. Good.

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