Sunday, May 22, 2005

If i win the £29 Million Lottery...

I will...

1. Go buy that pair of shoes.
2. Buy an air ticket home for 3 days...and bring back some stuff for my degree show.
3. Go do laundry in that laundry shop.
4. Go have a nice dinner in a nice restaurant.
5. Take a cab to Tesco.

Wait wait Wait a minute...!!!!! £29 Million...not £290 ...

One more time...

I will...

1. Go to that shoe shop and get that shoe in all colors of my size...and a couple of few more I rather fancy...
2. Buy air tix for my family to see my degree show...ask them to bring me my stuff.
3. Buy a washing machine.
4. Go to a posh restaurant and have nice dinner.
5. Get my housekeeper to buy the Grocery.

wait..!...still not right ...£29 Million...


1. Go shopping and buy anything...NOT ONLY THE SHOES.
2. Just anyhow graduate and buy air tixs to GO FOR A LONG HOLIDAY.
3. Throw all my laundry...and buy things whenever I want.
4. WHo cares about posh dinner...I will ask my chef to cook.
5. Grocery???!!...not something that should bother me...someone will take care of it.

Is that how a millionaire should behave I wonder...if that is so...i dun think i like the whole of it.
Maybe for a is nice...but...if i am really DAMN rich suddenly.
I just want to relax and do nothing....barefooted...lying somewhere warm and a book or a magazine.....ah...nice....maybe have a personal art studio...and a study room for me to write some nice books...I love writing as much as making art....and i am really enjoying...

of cos....only if...i win the £29 Million lottery....

Hohoho....I am dreaming again.
Nice dreaming.


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