Thursday, May 12, 2005

Classical Music...

I am not a classical music person...but lately...this piece of music keeps repeating itself around me...and so much so....I am very amused with it....

A classmate of mine is doing a sound interactive piece of art...whereby he install a webcam in a space...which happens to be the space which I booked out to do my art...and the story is...the images captured by the webcam...will be translated as the movement will activate the music...that means...when people move in the walk pass or wave their hand...the "piano" will start to play...and this is so amusing becos...i will intentionally freeze and see if the music will stop...and run around to listen to the music...LOVE it....

And this piano piece....I have been listening to it for 3 days since...
keeps ringing and my mind when it is not playing... found is..

Valse Brillante Op.34 No.2.

nice nice...i like it.


1 comment:

CuShMaN said...

Check your hotmail acct.