Monday, May 28, 2012

Half a year ago, I was a carefree, and happy person and only work 2 days a week, cursed by some of my friends who think I am too free. Then one day, a friend call and ask me if I wanna do something TOGETHER. Because of trust, I agree to help. End up, I am now no longer carefree, and works 7 days a week.  And yet to get paid. I become a person who is always in an angry mode. I hate the status I am in now. I also can no longer post secrets on my FB. No one can be trust now.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Boy: " Teacher, how do I draw porn?"
Me: " Porn?"
Boy: "yah, porn."
Me: " why porn? Can't you draw something else?"
Boy: " Because its in the park..."
Me: " Porn in the park!" wow...oh...park...POND. Ok, draw an oval, just add some stones and pebbles..,water ripples, lilypads..."